OT: Storing cookies


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  • Misty

    Ok so we bake a LOT of cookies.  They come out perfect.  But up intell right now I have been putting them in gallon zip lock bags.  Does it do the trick? Sure.  Do they stay fresh? Yes.  The problem is that they end up getting smooshed, broked, and before you know it my many cookies are now used on cereal (or for cereal for that matter) or topping for ice cream.

    Now I might add 8 people are eating cookies at once.  So when I make cookies, I MAKE cookies.  Like I just made a double batch of Peanut Butter Oatmeal cookies and got almost 100 cookies.  That may sound like a lot but if you figure my dh takes 4 to work a day, the kids get 1 a day, then dh comes home and probably eats 4 more (it must be nice to have a high metabolism) then I will be luck if they last all week.  My point was I make a lot of them and need a better way to store them so we stop loosing so many.  Suggestions, comments, what are you using?


    Do you freeze them? When I freeze a lot of cookies, I store them in ziplocks, and then put them inside a smaller sized cardobard box with the lid cut off. In between the layers I put cardboard to help them lay flat. Maybe that would help?


    My mom used to store our cookies in a cookie jar with a piece of bread.  The cookies absorbed the moisture from the bread, which helped them stay soft.  The jar had a very secure lid and was airtight.


    No I don’t freeze them, they are gone to fast Smile.  I guess I didn’t make myself very clear.  What I am looking for is a perfect but would settle for good/great “container” for cookies.  Something to put them in and put in the pantry that will stop breaking them.  Thanks


    I think freezing them and just pulling them out of the freezer when you need them works just fine. That is what I do with them. This way it keeps thieves out. 🙂 and they are whole. They don’t stay frozen but about a minute and then they are just fine. Unless you are looking for those nice warm ones.. Then, you may want to toss a few in the oven or microwave. 🙂

    Try it you may like it… Maybe you could share your wonderful recipe?

    Truly the cookie monster gets them…. That is where they are going!

    You know he only eats the whole ones.. (giggles)


    LOL you are funny Chocodog.  


    I have my grandmother’s tupperware cake pan that I use, especially when we are going somewhere. It is rectangular and I use it up-side-down. A circular one woud work, and fit in the pantry better, but it’s lid would have to be flat so it wouldn’t wobble.


    I just use those flat inexpensive Rubbermaid Take-alongs from Walmart.  I think that they are the size of a 9 x13.  I also use them to store my muffins and cupcakes.  They stack, they freeze, they are washable and reuseable.  They also nest inside each other when empty for effective storage space.  =)


    The old fashioned Tupperware containers are the best, but hard to find! If you can find them at tag sales or second hand shops, stock up…they keep cookies fresh forever in the pantry.


    Great idea’s never thought of looking at those.  


    We have those tupperware cake storer’s too. I usually use the large round tupperware cake pan upside down. I usually put pasta salad in it. Works great for picnics. I use the square one for my thumbprint cookies. I don’t like the frosting touching each other and smashing my pretty swirls. I bought a few more that were similar for peanut butter cookies ect… But they aren’t tupperware. Bought all of them at the second hand store for a buck a piece. Couldn’t believe I could get them so cheap that’s almost like stealing. 🙂 Just wait sooner or later someone will get rid of theirs. That is my motto.. 🙂

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