OT: Prayers and discernment help

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  • Rachel White

    Misty, I will pray for you. I’ve been in your position, too; years ago. Now that my husband wants to go back to our Congregation, his body and mind won’t let him. Now, we’re in other struggles, some new, some not so new…

    My encouragement to you is to follow Peter’s Word from the L-rd:…that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

    Now, I don’t think that means that he should control your spiritual walk; just that you and the children’s day-to-day devotion and weekly dedication are more effective, when combined with prayer for him, than a bunch of words. There is time for words and I pray they will be as golden apples (Prov. 25:11,12) when you are given the opportunity to speak to his heart.

    My husband’s greater desire for the things of G-d and to make it to services as often as physically possible now are a result of mainly my observance and dedication and, most obviously and especially, my son’s dedication and words to him and questioning his inconsistency, combined with prayers which move the Holy Spirit; these have caused conviction; though not as much submission to G-d’s Ways as I still hope for, but it’s better.

     I confess I’ve grown weary of praying for my husband-which is a fault of mine-but please do so daily. G-d has given something so incredibly unique to women regarding their husbands in this area.

    This statement may be controversial, but my congregation has many G-dly men who have served as examples to my son and dd where their father has lacked WITHOUT dimishing their father in their sight or taking his place. I’ve alos never sugar-coated my husband’s decisions that went against G-d’s Word; though done without disrespecting him. I can honor and disagree and expose truth and still show honor, too.

    So my main word of encouragement is to not give up and Chazak (Be Strong). G-d will use your dedication, your Scripture reading at home, your prayers done with the children, in front of him or not, and the resulting love for G-d by your children to keep His Presence in your home. You will grow in dependence and trust upon G-d, too and be spiritually strengthened, though may be weakended in other areas-throw out what is dross, prioritize what is not of primary (i.e. eternal) importance to you and for your family, w/G-d’s Help and to the best of your ability.

    Ask for those in leadership at your church to pray over you, becasue it is a very draining thing; in additoin to putting him on the prayer list (one that is confidential).

    As for the second offering, I’m the same as above. Once I’ve given my tithe, unless it’s a major impressment for an offering, then I just pass the bag along-my gas bill is my offering! We have offerings taken up every Sabbath, but that doesn’t mean one has to give every Sabbath. It’s not intended to bring about self-condemnation-and that’s what it is w/him, self-inflicted.

    Hope this didn’t sound rambling-I have a headache and it wan’t a good day here-but I wanted you to know that I care and understand and will lift ya’ll up.

    Praying for both of your families,


    May I recommend some reading of an incredible woman of G-d? Susannah Wesley. Though a Protestant, I think you will be encouraged by her dedication to the L-rd and her family and the type of children (John and Charles Wesley, esp.) that she raised. She gave birth to 19 children and educated them, too. Her marriage wasn’t the easiest either.

    Rachel White

    oh, something that I do since my husband can’t come often is I bring home the recorded message for him. That way he’s still hearing the word: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by/through the Word of G-d”-Romans 10:17

    Does your church record your Priest’s Sunday message? Would your husband be receptive to you picking one up for him to hear weekly? He could listen to it on the way home or to work. Just because he chooses not to go, doesn’t mean he has to miss the message that week. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s better than no message.

    Also, have as much worship and praise music; Gregorian chants; or Christian music on in the house as much as possible without it annoying him. He’ll be missing that time of worship and focusing on the L-rd, which is vital; so the music on in the home is second best and helps facilitate peace and The Spirit of G-d.

    Lastly, would he watch Catholic TV with you (and with the children)?

    Just some ideas you may not have considered…HTH


    Prayers for you, Misty. I know it must be very difficult for you and your family.  I have a friend who struggled w/her husband going to church and leading the family.  She decided to let it go and she stayed home on Sundays, too, and just worked on discipleship w/her kids herself.  Eventually her husband decided that he wanted to find a church and they searched until they found one that both of them really liked.  Now things are going much better for them.  Don’t know if that helps, but sometimes I think we just need to let things go and give them over to God to work on those we love, and live by our example.  Challenging, I know. Prayers….Gina

    James 1:12: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”


    Thanks for the words and encouragement.  You all have been a huge blessing in my life.  I so wish I could wrap my arms around you and thank you for this.

    SCM Team I so am thankful to you and this forum.  For school it’s been a blessing and wonderful gift and for the friendships that I may never meet it’s been a gift of joy.

    Thanks everyone.  I hold your thoughts and words in my heart and pray on them always.

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