OT: organizational triumphs that you have.

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    @ Tailormade  And RobinP,  I have the milk labeling idea for you to try.   Buy those white Plastic lids for your canning jars.  Then use a dry erase marker or crayon marker (the kind teachers used back in the day to write on erasiable worksheets.  This way you can write the date on the white lid and it comes off when you wash the lid but stays on until you are finished with the milk.  🙂 

    @Sheraz-  That is a good idea for storing books.  I sure wish I had a ton of those.  I use to save the giant cereal boxes and cut them to look like those magazine holders. However, when I stopped buying cereal from the boxes I sort of lost my source.. 🙁    Buying in bulk sometimes looses the benifits. Baha ha ha ah…  Buying milk I also lost my plastic milk jugs that I use to water the chickens and other animals.  I am hoping I find something else before my last milk jug goes.  🙂  I do use those plastic egg containers or file crates for storing my books in. I put them by subject also. I try to put them spine up so I can see what they are. I also can stack them.  I just need more shelves…. LOL.. This is the only solution I could come up with other than putting all of my cookbooks on one shelf. Health books on another shelf, Gardening on another, Photo albums on another, ect…  anyway, this is my system so far.  I so need a wall shelf…:)

    @tia- LOL  I know what you mean.  Sounds like our house.  I had to have my hubby make sure it was a priority to get the kids to bed by 8:00 because they were sleeping in and they were taking their time getting up, dressed , animals fed, and in the house for breakfast before 10.  It sometimes even was running to 11. Eek!

      I was also sick so I didn’t care because I was tired and just laid there in bed trying to get up.  I did but really Slowwwwwwww.  We are starting to get back on our game but it sure seems like a slow process.  🙂  Some days I would love to just sleep in. 🙂  Tehe he

    @ Bookworm  Tehe he  Love it…


    DH just brought another 6 pack of 1/2 gallon jars home yday from his trip out of town. I mentioned these lids to him and your note. Wish I’d told him sooner. He said they were sitting right next to the jars at the store. :(. Oh, well. Now I have a plan. And, I’m going to mark them as Robin suggested. So smart!



    I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier this week. I’ve been jogging on my little trampoline while listening to inspirational talks. I think it’s good too, because everyone in the house hears it.

    I’ve had more energy to get things done even if it’s not any more organized.


    I tried the white lid/marker thing. First of all, the lids would leak badly when the milk was shaken. Then I found the milk didn’t stay fresh as long. The other lids seal. I actually have to pop them off. Believe me, I’ve tried every method under the sun and this is what works for me. But thanks for the suggestion.


    Whew! That was close. Thanks for the info. I’ll stick with stickers. I like how my jars seal.



    That’s funny, I never have a problem with it.  I wonder if I just got a really good batch of lids or you got a really bad batch. 🙂  My milk last more than a week. However I only get one or two gallons at a time for cow’s milk and 1/2 gallon goat’s milk.  Sometimes more sometimes less depending on how we go threw it. I know we don’t have the volume you guys are talking about but I would think it would last the regular amount of time.  My friend freezes her milk and uses it in her coffee for cream when they don’t have enough or she wants to make cheese or soap.    In the summer I had it last for about 10 days or more.  We can’t always go get it right away so sometimes we have to milk what we have. We only drink milk with our cereal in the morning and baking.  So, it seems to work well for us.  If it seems like it is seperating funny I bag it up and put it in the freezer.  If I get enough I plan on making soap.  Just a few ideas if you have to much and it is starting to go. I am sure you may be doing this already but I thought I might mention it anyway.  You know what I want??? I want a white plastic lid with a pour spout.  Now that would be a great idea.  One with a really good seal!is a must!  I also would like a 2 1/2 gallon milk pail with a sealable lid and a pour spout.. You would think that wouldn’t be that hard to do…. Oh, and this dream can would be in stainless steel Not aluminum.

       How about  using the  the teacher crayons/pencil on the metal lids?  Have you tried that?  They seem to work better then dry erase.

        Still dreaming……….  🙂  maybe that is what little boy blue was dreaming about.  Tehe he

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