OT: organizational triumphs that you have.

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  • Bookworm

    Here are my Organizational Triumphs:

    1.  I know where all my children are.

    2.  There is food in the house that hasn’t been eaten yet.  Probably even some that isn’t expired.

    3.  No one is naked.

    4. I’m pretty sure all the books we need are in the house.

    5.  I know where the car is.  Bonus points:  I even think I know where the car keys are!

    6.  I remembered enough log-in info to get here and post.

    LOL.  Just thought I’d make you all feel a little better.  Wink




    Great idea for a post!!!

    thank you for that encouraging post, most days I need to remember that!

    @ lindsey can you pm me that document? My dd said she wants to try it;-)

    Thank you all…Jillian


    I’m with you! 🙂

    Did I miss a link to the big containers? Spices I can handle. But, I found an awesome cookbook (The Homemade Pantry) and want to get some jars for storing things like car snacks, granola, and of course I’ll include rice and beans. The Christmas popcorn cams serve well for bulk storage, but I keep those outside in our butcher house. I’d like some inside to lower my pedometer reading. ;0)


    PS. The labels discussion is spinning my wheels. I need to come up with a milk label system. That way, dates can be tracked better in the fridge. I just strain it into 1/2 gallon jars and rotate, but someone invariably moves them around to get to something else in the fridge. I’m thinking little tags on rubber bands with number of use order. Any other ideas? Robin?


    @Lindsey, I’d love to see your chore list as well.  I made one for my kiddos that is attached to their school subjects to avoid 2 peices of paper, but I’d still like to see yoursLaughing.


    Rachel White

    Thank you Bookworm; I was getting a little bumbed here; as I have no organizational successes recently and am struggling to get my act together to create some. Guess I need to check an “inspirational” cleaning book like something from Emilie Barnes.

    I don’t have ALL the books/supplies I need still, so I’d have to mark that one off my list.



    Our Friends of the Library were having a booksale and had some of the older (really thick and nice) cardboard magazine holders for sale – 12 for 25 cents.  I bought several bundles just thinking that they might come in handy someday.  That night I started sorting my books and realized what a treasure they were so I went back and bought the rest.

    What I use them for is to help organize my school books by topic.  I have shelves for history, science, etc and the smaller books are forever getting lost in the bigger, heavier books.  I labeled the box “Ancient Greece” or “106 Days of Creation” or “Shakespeare” – “Artists ” – for whatever I have tons of smaller books and stuck them in the magazine holders.  

    I have organized my Five in a Row and SCM Early Readers in these too – not to keep the kids out, but so that I make sure we rotate the read-aloud basket books every month.  I recently read a book called “A Picture Perfect Childhood” about using picture books to teach all ages and she had lists and ideas for every month.  That got me thinking about organizing our other books into months – holiday specific, etc so that I can always access them easily.  I still have a small stack of those dividers so I am pleased about finally getting the bookcases organized enough to find what I want when I want it.  

    Getting a puzzle holder for all my wooden puzzles was a hppy day.  Now my littles can easily get a puzzle and put it away without the mess of accidently dumping them all over. Yippie!

    I also put all my most used appliances in the cupboard above the stove and put the remainder downstairs in the storage room.  It keeps my cupboards clean and tidy.  I also have buckets and smaller containers for my bulk items.

    I have cut boards and made shelves in the rooms with two closets.  It gives me a place to store my tubs of toys and supplies without being in the way.  It keeps the rooms tidier.  As the kids get older and toys are less important, the shelves come down and make way for the longer clothes. 

    Creating subject files and sub-files with in those groups for my ebooks and educational downloads.  I can save things as specific as I need to and always locate it immediately.  It has saved me so much time and even money because I don’t have re-purchase things over and over.  

    I really appreciate Bookworm’s list.  It made me chuckle, but reminded me to feel grateful for what I have and not feel like a slug because I am not able to be like someone else! Counting my blessings… =)


    @TailorMade, there’s not really a link to my big canisters since I bought them at Hobby Lobby. If you live near a Hobby Lobby, I’m sure you’ll be able to find something that will work for you.

    @my3boys & JSpring, I just PMed you!

    @Bookworm, I so enjoy your sense of humor. Yes, we should all be grateful for the little victories in life. I remembered to shower this morning and take my supplements.  The kids were fed. We didn’t start school *too late. And I already have a plan for dinner tonight! Yay!



    Michelle – I love your list most of all! I currently have no food (well I’m out of milk, eggs and few other staples) in my house!


    LOL, Bookworm! Thank you for that! Currently I cannot gaurantee anyone about a number of things. ie. I may have a naked child around here somewhere (possibly only partially naked), we DO NOT have all the books we need for school currently (library has had them tagged as being shipped to me for A LONG TIME), and even though it is half past noon I have not an inkling of what food I have that will be enough to feed everyone who is currently in the house! BUT… we have finished family work and two of my kids have finished most, if not all of their individual work. I have kept up with most of my e-mails today as well as knowing and remembering where my dh put his new prescription of medication AND I even remember how often he needs to take it in case he forgets. I think I may even have time to vacuum my crunchy carpets and make some new dishsoap today! Hurray for small victories! Oh! And I am NOT still in my p.j.s waiting for a good time to shower! But I did have to eat cold oatmeal again this morning. 🙁 I need to do that more than I care to admit!

    Anyways, maybe by the end of today I will have been able to get through some organizational project that has been on my list forever. Where is that list, anyways? ; p



    OH! And, thanks to Lindey’s post, I have now remembered to take my supplements! Thanks Lindsey!

    Bookworm, you are my hero. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!


    Bookworm THANK YOU!!! Oh my goodness that’s funny. You made my whole day. I actually did laugh right out loud when I read your list.

    I am just going to just ditto your list exactly, except that at any given moment my two year old is likely to be naked. 🙂



    Michelle, you are too funny!!  Thanks for sharing that wonderful list:)


    Becca, I have a separate fridge in the basement where I store the milk. I actually have a counter/sink down there to strain and it goes into the fridge. I just buy small round stickers and put on the top of the lid. I put the date, am or pm milking and the name of the cow it came from. So for Natalie’s milk tonight, I would put 17p, Nat. That way, if something is off with the milk, I can easily pull that cow’s milk without having to toss it all. That happened a couple of years ago when Natalie developed a mild case of mastitis. I knew which milk was hers so pulled it out. In the fridge I try to put each day on a separate shelf and rotate. That gets hard when we’re getting 14 gallons a day!!!

    Other than that, I have no organizational successes. I’m queen of disorganization. If it weren’t for the Dewey Decimal System, I don’t know what condition my library would be in. Love your list, Bookworm.


    @Bookworm – hahaha!  I just told my husband, “I need a new school schedule that involves us starting sometimes prior to 10…”  

    Ya think?  lol  

    Christmas, sickness and life have driven us out of any organization we did have.  This week can’t end fast enough for me…then I can look forward to the beacon of new beginnings: Monday!

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