So I am trying really hard to get a clothes/laundry system in place for my 3 girls. Currently, we did away with dressers and all clothes are hung up. Tucked into the closet they have 2 cubbies each: 1 for pjs and 1 for socks/undies. This helped my 1 dd to stop changing her outfit 5 times a day but I am stuck hanging everything and they have to wait for me. They are learning to hang it on the hanger and then lay it on the bed for me to hang it up.
We took the dresser away due to the small room and the fact that 3 of them couldn’t share it due to size. Anyway, I’m craving the dresser again so they can put their own laundry away.
My long-winded question is this: if we keep clothes strictly for playing on the farm and clothes for errands/public then how do you identify them so they are put away appropriately?
Could you lower the clothing rod? Or put another one in on a lower level? If not, maybe buy a folding step stool that they can keep in their room folded flat against the wall and then take it out when time to put away clothing.
As far as keeping types of clothing separate, could you use two different colours of hangers? White for nice and a bright colour for farm?
You could put a small dot with puff paints (fabric paints?) inside the collar/waistband or on the tag with a different color for the type of clothing it is. We do this to tell our kids clothes apart. Child 1 gets 1 dot, child 2 gets 2, etc. That way we can easily tell who it belongs to and when something gets passed down, it is just a matter of adding an extra dot or two with the puff paint.
You could also do them in the same color. 1 dot is play clothes, 2 dots for nice clothes.
We do a drawer for barn clothes (barn skirts and shirts), and then the rest of their clothes by type (tops, socks, pj’s, etc.). Nice skirts and dresses are hung.
One brainy idea I had recently was to buy gray socks for barn socks. So no more nice church socks (white) ruined by being worn in boots! Woo-hoo!
I have also reduced the amount of clothing they have. 3 church dresses, a couple of barn outfits, and about 3 casual outfits. Socks (barn and good) are shared. My girls are 11, 10, 8, and 6; the sharing works well b/c the 8yo can wear anyone’s socks.
We have two rods in our closets. One up high and one down low. Even for me with long dresses this works out. The one up high is for church/nice clothes and the one down low is for everyday. Then the girls (or boys) can just pick something and know it will be ok.
We also hang 90% of the girls clothes and the boys about 75%. This just helps over all and things actually get worn evenly, you know not wearing the same thing every day 🙂
I did away with dressers as well. When they were real little, they stuffed them full and broke the facing off the drawer. We then hung everything and I moved pj’s and undies into the bathroom where they could get fresh undies and pj’s after their nightly bath. This worked for a while until they one child would destroy the nice folded stacks looking for a particular thing. So, I made one side of their closet have a high bar and low bar. Low bar is easy, I just made 3 hole in a large dowel stick and used ribbon to tie to the high bar. I use the high bar for clothes that are out of season or not worn often and low bar is daily clothes. I then made shelves out of 2X6’s and cinder blocks. I just laid 2 boards on top of the cinder blocks and kept stacking. It is heavy enough so that it doesn’t move and I made it cute by painting the cinder blocks with patio paint. We also used this for their “entertainment centers” (this is where they stack all their collectibles and knick nacks, books, toys, etc.) and night stands in their rooms. So now their around the house clothes stay in a stack on the bottom shelf which is divided into thirds and they have pants shorts and shirts. Middle shelf is undies, pj’s, and misc. They top shelf is where they lay out anything special they will need for that week like baseball outfit or dance etc. So far this is what has worked the best for us. Also, I was able to build 2 entertainment centers, closet shelves, and night stands all for about $250!! I of course got the idea from the internet and pintrest. LOL For socks, I have one big sock box in our laundry room beside our shoe area since we take our shoes off in the laundry room before walking into the house and this also has been a life saver because I just take socks straight from dryer and toss in the box and kids dig around to find a pair. My kids are apart of that generation where it is uncool to have matching socks. ugh.