OT: fermented cod liver oil

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    Lindsey just mentionned about this this week and I had been reading about it a while ago but was not sure it was worth the money.

    I would like to know what is the best price for this, if you buy it online, and if it is really different from taking regular fish oil?

    Are there chewable one for kids?

    Vitacost doesn’t carry any. I checked out Amazon, I don’t see that it says how many you take a day so it is hard to see how much it would come up to for me and 4 kids (my husband would not take that).


    The only brand I would even consider taking is Green Pastures. All other brands are highly processed, which destroys the delicate and valuable vitamins. Here are some articles to support my position:





    And here is the link to their product page. 

    We actually take the Cod Liver/Butter Oil Blend. I buy mine from my raw milk farmer. I am able to get a slight discount through him, but really the best price online that I have found is directly from Green Pastures. For adults you take 1 tsp., for children it’s 1/2 tsp. We take ours in the morning with breakfast. They do not have chewables–just gel and capsules. It’s more expensive to buy the capsules, so we suck it up and take the gel. It tastes awful. You can get different flavors in the regular cod liver oil, but the cod liver/butter oil blend has only 1 flavor in stock usually–YUCK. My kids do a pretty good job of getting it down, although at first there was a lot of gagging/dry heaving/spitting it out. I just won’t allow them to do that, and they finally got used to swallowing it down and chasing it with some milk or ice water.

    For the number of people in your family, you would probably go through a bottle and a half of the gel in a month. You would probably need 3 bottles of the capsules, thus the reason they are more expensive.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. I’m a firm believer in FCLO!


    thank you much, I might give it a try once we finish everything we have, the only way would be to have it be our only supplement which I am ok with.

    Isn’t there something you can mix it with to make it taste better?


    Maybe honey? I don’t know really. It’s bad tasting stuff no matter what. I know people who buy the capsules for their kids while the grown ups take the gel. We don’t do that. It is unpleasant, but like I tell my kids, it only takes about 30 seconds out of our day, so we can handle 30 seconds of unpleasantness. 😉


    The brand sold by Beeyoutiful is Green Pastures.

    I’m presently taking the gel, flavored like ‘chocolate.’ Totally disgusting. According to my friend who owns Beeyoutiful, all the flavors are pretty gross. But the health benefits are pretty amazing, so I, too, suck it up and swallow.

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