OT: Don't you miss those days?

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    I got this post through another post and wanted to share it.  How many times do we hear the same words or get the ‘looks’.

    I hope that it encourages you like it did me.




    Yes, I do. Yes they were tough, but so are days in EVERY season of life. That is part of life and part of growth and part of learning. Sometimes I miss them SO much that I have to turn my face away or risk crying in church when one of my friends precious little babies is looking at me and smiling all wide eyed and sweet.

    I had to stop having kids for health issues and I MISS THOSE DAYS SOOO MUCH! They only last a tiny little second and they are gone and you cannot get them back. I don’t understand feeling pity for someone who is living those days. Understanding, yes, because they can be hard and tiring. But not pity, which is what it seems that these moms are feeling when they make these comments.



    I totally agree.  We (at least here on this board) love each little one God gives us, be it close together or far apart, don’t look down at us, don’t make rude comments.  We just need a smile some days, or please just walk away.


    I think the comment was not directed to the mom with the little ones, but more a reflection of the speaker.  For her, those days were not sweet.  I agree with you that most of the moms here do love their little ones and all the extra work that may come with them, hence, we choose to homeschool so we can spend MORE time with our children!  Unfortunately, there are many parents in our world who feel like that one mother who made the comment.  I don’t think she was trying to put down the younger mother, just reflecting on her own experience.


    Ok I have to chime in here lol. My youngest being twelve I have to admit that I have been guilty of saying that same thing. But… While I don’t miss those, should I say hard “days” I do miss those times very much. When your kids get older, things get so much easier and you realize how hard those days were even though you would do them again in a heartbeat to have little people making your days full again. Maybe you can’t understand it right now, but I doubt that lady had bad intentions when she said that. However I will probably never say that again because it does sound as if you didn’t enjoy your kids being little.


    Good post. 

    I want to share what a wise, older grandmother said to me once years ago when my kids (12, 9, 6, 3) and I were all out somewhere and one or more of mine were fretting. She said, “Enjoy them honey, the days are long, but the years are short.” I love that because it acknowledges that little ones can bring many challenges, but those challenges are worth it all!



    It’s so refreshing when strangers offer encouragement as opposed to negative comments or even questions.  I’m hugely pregnant and just a few weeks ago, I had an older, grandfatherly looking man, stop me and say how “cute” I  looked!  What a sweet, sweet thing for a gentleman to say – of course women I know say it, but for an older man to stop and make a point of saying it was just very encouraging and fun!  I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. 


    Rebekahy, that is so sweet.  I had an older man from church ask me if I was sure I wasn’t having triplets.  I’m under 5′ so I do get HUGE in the tummy.

    I have a 10 and 7 year old and very much missed those days so we are “starting over” with a little one due in six weeks.  I don’t feel like I enjoyed my first two enough when they were little because I was too busy worried about what other people thought of my mothering.  Not with this one!  I”m going to savor every minute of his baby and toddlerhood.  The funny thing is I think back about when they were babies and can’t think of the “hard times” but, I know there were some.


    I like this phrase: “if you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!”


    Michaela – what a beautiful saying! I’m going to use that one!



    The years are extremely short!

    I love the “full heart” comment. I’m going to use that one each day to remind myself of the truth. ;0)


    I get the “Boy your hands are full!” comments a lot! I’ve found a big smile and “Yes, it’s SO much fun!” to be wonderfully disarming, and maybe it helps people change their perspective to see the joy 🙂

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