OT: Chores which way do you do it?

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    Ok I have 7 kids ranging in age from 15 down to 3.  (1st 5 are boys(15 14 12 9.5 7.5), last 2 are girls(5 3))  We have always had a chore chart nothing new there.  But with each season and changes in life I have to redo my chart about twice a year.  Guys are going hunting this weekend and next.  So guess what my big plans are with the little 4?? Cleaning and redoing the chore chart.  Which I love actually so don’t be sad I get a high from it!

    My question is this.  I have always just went around looked at what needs to be done and then assigned everyone a chore each day.  So 7 days x 7 kids is a lot of little boxes and chores and teaching those 1st few days to weeks depending on who it is.  These chores are not all in the same room necessarily, they are even related on a given day they are just things that need to get done.  

    My 15 yr old is like having another dad/husband here when my dh is at work.  He can do anything I need done.  My 14 yr old is trying but not there.  I also ask a lot more of my 15 year old, helping babysit, helps with grocery list (most weeks), picks up slack in the kitchen if I need to tend to little ones.

    So this is the question really I guess?? LOL It’s a 2 parter:

    1. How do you assign chores and why does it work for you?  Do you do as I said and just give everyone something to do everyday, OR do you give each child a room that is theirs to make sure it is kept clean daily?  I am leaning more toward the 2nd option a room this fall?  If you have done this specificly please tell me the pros and cons were for your family

    2. How do you approach the fact that although my oldest needs chores per say he does so much more that I don’t know if giving him a specific on daily is necessary.  Does that make sense?  

    Well, I hope that rambling mad sense to someone besides me.  Couldn’t sleep and have been up since 400am!


    Sara B.

    I have 4 kids, ages 10, 9, 6 (nearly 7), and 4.  I couldn’t possibly assign a room per child.  There are too many rooms and not enough kids!  LOL  Plus all 3 girls (the 3 oldest) share a room, so that wouldn’t be fair, either.  My youngest 2 couldn’t possibly do everything that needs to be done in a room.

    So I do it your first way.  I have a chart that I make out on the computer, and this time I did something a tiny bit different.  I had been just listing their daily jobs, but this time they each have 2 morning chores (must be done before school), 2 lunch chores (right after lunch), an afternoon job (which is basically yard work/gardening, etc, with me), and 2 before dinner chores (along with clean-up).  They also are each assigned a certain kitchen job.  I do that on a rotating basis, so each day they have something different.  It is working marvelously!  No more guessing which thing needs to be done in the morning and which has to wait till evening (like taking the garbage cans down), they only it is only 2 things, and I have them broken down so much that I have things like “sweep kitchen,” “sweep entry way,” “sweep bathroom,” at different times of day and different days of the week.  So they really have very, very short jobs, but there were so many spaces to fill, I *could* do that.  2 chores x 3 times a day x 7 days a week = 42 jobs!  Well, except Sunday, when we do 1 chore in the morning instead of 2.  🙂  I have my short set of chores, too, so we all get it done very quickly and easily now.  I am loving it!

    As for your second question, I’m not sure.  My oldest does a lot, too, but again, she’s only 10.  But she does lots of extras like babysitting, helping pick up after our 4yo, helping him with stuff, helping her sisters with stuff…  I try to spread that out between the other 2 girls, but our oldest is just so good at it!  :-/  I hope others have ideas for both of us!


    Thanks for sharing your system.  My fear was the same with assigning rooms, but really I have 5 who are more than capable for tending to a room.  They also share rooms.  Room sharing my thought was they would be responsible to keep the room in order ‘together’.  With giving each a room I figured I would do it based on age like the laundry room (not including laundry) could easily be my 7 year old, or the shoes (from all those different spots, like front/back door, from inside garage etc) could be my 5 yrs chore, bathrooms they would share (we have 3 kid bathrooms), the older ones could be more like upstairs living room, or downstairs living room.  Kitchen I would just do as a family one day.  Just thinking out loud…

    Sara sending you a PM…


    My kiddos get chores for a year at a time and they are done daily. I’ve blogged a whole series about it, which starts here: http://ourbusyhomeschool.com/operation-chore-training/

    I don’t assign a whole room except bathrooms. The 9yo has one the almost 8yo has the other. Then I have assignments like the 12yo doing all floors, the 2 and 4yo unloading the dishwasher, etc. Laundry is done by the kids, bedrooms cleaned by kids. Anyone asked to do a job (by a parent) is to do it cheerfully, whether it is their or not. I pitch in to help but my job is training them well.

    I love the whole year assignments because

    1. They get really great at their job.

    2. I always know who to call is a job has not been done.

    As for your 2nd question, I try to balance things by teaching younger children to do jobs when they are ready and encouraging older to train younger to be their replacements. I also consciously don’t ask my oldest to do all the extra help, I regularly ask the youngest child who is capable. Does that make sense? Putting it another way, I’m not relying on the oldest to do jobs, I’m focused on teaching as many younger ones as can safely do it, to free up the older child for jobs only she can really help me with safely. In your situation with a 14yo and 12yo right behind the oldest I would be sure I was teaching them the helping jobs their big brother has been traditionally handling when Dad isn’t available. They are ready to take on a youth role. While your 15yo is accomplished at babysitting, kitchen help, etc, he wasn’t when he started. His brothers need the opportunity!


    Thanks Tristan – can’t wait to read your blog.  I have been very much been being aware of who I ask to help with those other chores.  Great reminder!  Thanks


    Tristan – have you ever posted what your childrens chores look like?  i would love to see this years chart with ages and what they are expected to do?? Would you mind sharing?


    Ha, no, I never got to it. I’ll add it to my list of posts to do soon. 🙂 I should have some extra time one of these days….err, nights.


    I visited a homeschool friend who had 7? kids at the time including a new baby. Her house was spotless, I was so amazed. Her mom told somebody that she went to the house to help and there was nothing to do! Anyway, her system was assigning each kid a room…seemed to work for her if it’s something you want to try:)

    Sara B.

    Tristan, good idea to have the youngest capable do something rather than always calling the oldest!  I am going to implement that right away – or as soon as I’m over this whatever I have thing that’s kept me in bed for 3 1/2 days now!  LOL


    Sara – hope you feel better soon.  Praying for you.

    My house is spotless according to anyone who comes in.  They are amazed but I am a perfectionist and can’t function in a less than ‘looking’ house.  Dust doesn’t bother me, it’s ‘stuff’ that does.

    Momto2- thanks for sharing.  I am reading lots, looking at much and praying that God will instruct me what will best fit our family.  Then present it to dh.. 


    I anxiously await seeing Tristan’ s chore chart. We really need help in this area. If anyone else has a chore chart they would share, please pm me for my email. I have 2 helpers ages 7 & 9.5. Thanks!


    I do NOT have Tristan’s experience, but I humbly show you what is working for me. I have two helpers ages 7 & 8. I have them rotate weekly chores so that they do not get bored with doing the same thing, but they will do these all year and once they get something mastered, I will sneak something else in. LOL

    Kid 1 

    M-F1. clean dining room table & floor after meals………………………………………………………..

    M-F2. straighten bathroom, wipe out sink, & wipe down counter morning and night…………….

    M3.Gather adult towels, undies & socks

    T    clip nails

    W   dust office& living room

    TH  clean your room& your messes

    F    clean mirrors & windows

    M4.gather office &living room trash

    T   gather kid’sclothes 

    W   hang your clothes

    TH gather sheets & blankets


    M-F1. Unload dishwasher and put all dishes away properly, meaning stacked nicely NOT thrown in cabinet willie nillie……..

    M-F2.Fill Pet water dishes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    M3. Gather kid’s towels&undies, socks, & kitchen towels

    T    stock toilet paper&wipes 

    W   gather adult clothes

    TH  Clean your room & your messes

    F   clean your toilet &  tub

    M4. Gather both bathroom trash

    T    fold towels&   socks, undies

    W   Hang your clothes

    TH  Gather sheets & Blankets

    I put this chore chart in a sheet protector and each week write their names beside which ever set is theirs for the week and they check off each chore as it is done with a white board marker and at the end of the week I wipe it all clean and doo it all again. Our chore time is scheduled during school time. I do Language arts one on one while my daughter does her math on the computer independently and then she does her chores after. I then do language arts with her and my son works out his practice math prblems on his own then does his chores and this way there is no interupting while I am with either child. HTH

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