My husband and I are going crazy! Our 6yodd has special needs and she is delayed in her social skills. She hates her 2yo sister and it’s making our home loud and ugly. She doesn’t understand that her sister is 2 (and that she doesn’t understand everything either) and she’ll just fly off the handle! She says – “I don’t like you”, “your mean”, “shut” (meaning shut-up), or just spit raspberries in her face. This is constant throughout the day! Now the 2yo is saying/doing these things.
We are staying consistent doing 1 or all of the following depending on severity:
face the wall
no playing (tomato-staking)
sharing gospel
creating teamwork opportunities and teaching social skills
She says these things to us as well and there is zero tolerance. Impulsivity is one of her hardest things to control so I have no clue how to handle this. I’m praying for her and asking for patience for myself. I’m afraid I don’t like my 6yo much right now and that’s making me feel awful.
I also have 2 daughters, 6 and 2. No special needs though. After having a not so great relationship with my brother when we were little, and remembering how mean I was with my words, I wanted my daughters to love each other and get along. They do but there are still those occasions where they aggravate. I keep reminding my 6yo that her little sister loves her and that she’s still learning how to be nice and play nice, but that she (my 6yo) is a big girl and knows how to be nice to others and that she is an example to her little sister. I don’t know if your daughter would be able to understand that, but I find reminding her that (a lot sometimes) keeps things more positive and pleasant around here, though they still have moments of course. HTH 🙂
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