Orthodox Christian family & Joshua-Malachi / Ancient Greece

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  • Erin

    We will beginning Joshua-Malachi / Ancient Greece this fall and I am wondering how other families deal with the Scripture reading schedule.  I’d like to cover the key books in the longer canon, found in the Septuagint version of the Old Testament.

    Has anyone adapted the SCM reading schedule?  Or added on to include Tobit, Judah, the rest of Esther and Daniel, Maccabees,  the Wisdom of Solomon, the Book of Sirach, the Prophecy of Baruch, and the Prayer of Manasseh?

    I thought I’d ask before I reinvented the wheel 🙂


    Hello, Erin,

    How exciting to see another Orthodox Christian family at SCM!  We too will be starting the Ancient Greece module this fall.  Any luck on deciding how to add in the Old Testament additional readings?  Would you mind sharing?  Thanks!


    We decided to do the SCM schedule as printed and then I’ve added another “time block” to my morning with icon study, hymn study, Scripture reading, and Lives of the Saints.


    So we are going to read through the additional readings throughout the year. For or this term, we’re reading Tobit. Next, Judith. I’ve not decided on Term 3 yet.



    Rachel White

    If y’all could recommend one or two books for high school that goes through the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church and practices (preferably covering all her derivatives:Russian, Greek. Armenian, etc), what would be those books?


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