Original Kindle and/or Paperwhite question

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  • I have a Kindle Fire, but have been checking out the “original” Kindle ($69) and the Paperwhite. Of course the screen is completely different from the Fire, so I went to a local store to see them in person. BUT I notice that the screen does this odd flash thing. Like, when I change to a new screen it just seems…messy. It’s not anywhere near a clean transition from one screen to the next. It really bothers me! lol  This is especially noticeable if I’m on a page that has pictures. such as the home screen with a bunch of book cover showing, and then turn to a new page or just turn to a new page with pictures. 

    I’m wondering if this is happening because these units are on all the time, every day in the stores. Does anyone who has a Paperwhite or original Kindle have this happen to theirs? For that matter, I remember seeng the Nook was like this when I was at a B&N. In fact, at the time I thought that was just the way the Nook was and that the Kindle wasn’t like that. 

    Also, for any Kindle (non-Fire) users, how do photos and illustrations from books look on the screens? Are they enjoyable or grainy? I’m assuming you can zoom in like you can on the Fire.

    Does anyone (or your kids) highlight or take notes in your books with these? Wondering how cumbersome that is. What about actually using the dictionary for definitions while you are actively reading?



    I have a Kindle Touch – and I think you can set that screen-flash-thing to not refresh at every page turn. I have mine set to NOT refresh every turn and it’s fine.

    The pictures are black and white/gray….not real fun to look at. But they aren’t grainy – unless you enlarge them too much.

    My Kindle Touch has a landscape mode that I can use for reading pdf’s – that makes pdf’s go a lot better.

    Hope this helps some.


    My Paperwhite does the flashy thing – but I never even noticed it until you mentioned it.  You can change the homepage to be only words instead of the covers, which I do, but it still does that flashy thing.  Going from page to page, I don’t notice it happening, unless there is a picture on the page.  Actually – I never noticed it happening until you made me go look, but now that I’m looking, I see it does it! 

    I don’t use my paperwhite for things that need pictures for the most part, but the pictures aren’t grainy. 

    I highlight and take notes, especially in my Bible.  It was annoying at first, but you get used to it.  It was kind of similar to learning to text.  And I LOVE the dictionary function on the kindle.  I use it ALL the time. 


    On our basic kindles, that flash should be the e-ink changing in the screen. It really is not a big deal and doesn’t distract from readability here. The pictures are a nice quality black and white. Basic kindles do not zoom in and out on the pictures as far as I know.  The definitions are there – sometimes I use them, often I ignore them. The highlight thing is used often by my older girls.  I was messing with it the other day, and it looked like all their quotes and scripture highlights are collected into one place for easy access. I need to mess with it more… =)  

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