Orienteering book for young child (and mom!)

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  • trulyblessed26

    HI there, 🙂

    So I got my daughter a compass because she was asking about the concept of North, South, East and West and after her barrage of questions, discovered I was woefully short in compass knowledge.  Granted, we are not going to go backpacking through the mountains any time soon, but I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good beginners compass/orienteering book that we can glean a bit of info from now and probably use more in depth later as she is only 5.  Thank you!


    Best thing out there is the BSA Orienteering merit badge guide.  If you want a younger focus, Cub Scouts has some various stuff too–try looking at scoutstore.com  There is a GREAT compass games card set that my boys have had fun with.  Is it an orienteering compass that you have? 



    Yes, it has the lines and ruler marks and degrees and all that good stuff.

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