Organizing time

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  • LindseyD

    I also agree that sometimes you just have to say ‘NO’. It doesn’t mean that you’re being dishonoring or unsubmissive. We were created to be our husbands’ helpmates, not their door mats. How can you help him if you’re stretched too thin? It’s impossible. 

    Maybe he does think you’re Supermom and needs to be reminded that you are, in fact, just human. You get tired, overwhelmed, stressed out, anxious. That doesn’t mean you’re not doing your job; it means you’re HUMAN. It means you’re normal. It should remind you both of your need to constantly lean on the Holy Spirit for strength because, in your flesh, it is impossible for you to do. 

    I just sense the Holy Spirit saying this is a time for you and your husband to unify, to work as a team, rather than working against each other. Be in agreement, whatever that means. Each of you needs to compromise things. He needs to give up on your volunteering at the church for now. You need to give up something else related to expectations of him. Be in agreement. Act as one since you are one. You, Sara, have the ability to be the redeemer in this situation, if you’ll just allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. There’s always a redeemer in every relationship, and you have that capability. 

    Ask your husband to cut you some slack and to stop expecting so much. My mom always taught me that an expectation is a premeditated disappointment. When we start expecting things of people who can’t deliver what we want, WE set ourselves up automatically for disappointment, not THEM. It sounds like that’s what your husband has done. He loves you, but he expects so much of you that he feels disappointed every time you don’t “measure up”. You’re feeling his disappointment and it’s causing resentment and disunity. When we stop expecting things from others, it’s amazing how quickly our disappointment in them goes away. We allow them to be themselves, make mistakes, and conquer fears.

    I pray you’ll seek God’s guidance and wisdom before doing any of this. If you act in your flesh, it’s sure to be a disaster. However, if you listen for the still, small Voice to show you when, where, and exactly what to say and pray, the outcome can be wonderful.

    Praying for you,


    Rachel White

    I pray you’ll seek God’s guidance and wisdom before doing any of this. If you act in your flesh, it’s sure to be a disaster. However, if you listen for the still, small Voice to show you when, where, and exactly what to say and pray, the outcome can be wonderful

    Yes, I agree. Plus, do not underestimate the power of praying for G-d’s Spirit to prepare his heart of receiving what you have to say and engaging in spiritual warfare over your conversation, too. Satan is the prince of the airwaves here on Earth and loves to use our bias’ and hurts to pervert the language and intentions as we are trying to communicate; he has no authority over you and your husband so claim your Savior’s Covering before engaging in any conversation regarding this sensitive area.

    A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger-Prov. 15:1

    In prayer for ya’ll and believing in victory and lessons learned from this for both of you,


    Sara B.

    Rachel, you hit the nail on the head!  You are exactly right.  Thank you all for your great advice!  I have been thinking and praying all day, and I jotted down some notes that I thought of this morning while I took my shower (that’s my thinking time – quiet, no interruptions, ahhhh).

    I will continue to pray for his heart to be turned, and for the right time, and for my words to speak truth and love to him.

    Thank you again,

    Sara  🙂


    Sara, you’re not alone. I feel overwhelmed myself with just two. Thank you so much for starting this thread! I have read through all the posts, and thank you, ladies, for all the wonderful advice; such wisdom!



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