I’m having a slight panic attack. I have not been on the organizer all summer and went on to update my girls schedules for the year and am finding that only one day a week shows at a time. I had been checking off school work on a weekly basis, not daily and with the old calendar it slid out so I could quickly check off work done for the past seven days. Now it looks like I have to click the calendar for each subject to see multiple days. Is there a way to open the calendars for all subjects so I don’t have to do extra clicking – with five children it’s really not feasible to do this on a weekly basis, as it was it took me almost an hour…. Help calm this mama down! Checking off work on a daily basis is just not possible. What’s the best method for weekly checking off in a time efficient manner.
I went back and it looks like I have to do this for each lesson. So not only do I have to click the calendar, but then have to click out of the calendar to get it to roll to the next lesson and then go back into the calendar to complete that lesson and so on for the whole week and each subject for each child. Does anyone else check off a week’s work at a time? How do you do it with the new set up?
I’m sorry that the changes to the CM Organizer have added to the number of clicks it takes for you to mark off work weekly. We had to change the Daily Plan backdating calendar so that it would work on mobile devices, and we also wanted to remove the date “drawer” because we’ve received a lot of feedback that that was confusing. Unfortunately, redesigning that does make more clicks for those who are not checking off work daily, which we hadn’t foreseen.
We do want to improve checking off work for those who don’t do it on a daily basis, but looking at that is not on our schedule at this time.
Is there anyway to purchase a downloadable version of the previous organizer and store our own records. I have spent years entering curriculum into the organizer in anticipation of being able to schedule in a time effiencient manner for our six children, this is very difficult news to swallow with 18 years of home education still to come.
I think I’m finding a work around. If I reenter all of our curriculum based on what I anticipate we would finish in a week, then I can just clicked worked on for each day. It will still be an extra click to open up the calendar plus all of the reentering or editing curriculum to fit a more weekly rate, but might be doable. It would be very helpful if there were separate worked on/finished buttons rather than having to multiple click for work completed. Trying to work through this with the least amount of re-doing so we can continue to use the organizer as all of our records are there.
I had an idea this morning for a feature that might make it easier to mark off work on a weekly basis, while still keeping the new design that works on mobile devices. This is just an idea at this point and the images below are only mock-ups of how it might look. We haven’t started building this and we’re not sure when we would be able to work on this idea, but we’d like to get some feedback from people who like to mark off work weekly instead of daily. That helps us know if this idea is useful.
Here are two different ideas to consider.
Idea 1: We could add a “Next Lesson” button to the backdating popup, which would appear when the current lesson is marked Finished. That would let you save the dates you’ve recorded and move on to recording work for the next lesson in line on that resource.
Idea 2: In addition to a “Next Lesson” button, we could also add a “Next” button that would let you save any dates you’ve recorded and jump to the next resource on your Daily Plan. That would save clicking the “Done” button, scrolling to the next assignment, and clicking the calendar button.
yes, I think both of those might be helpful. The least amount of clicking the better. Right now I am just reformatting all of my resources so we can click on worked on for multiple days and completed on Friday (so not entering individual chapters as my divisions but rather – units or weeks).
I did just schedule a resource three times for one of my girls and it’s not showing up. Not sure what’s going on, but might need help with that.
Thanks for the feedback. It’s good to know the idea is moving in the right direction.
Can you give me the name of the resource that’s not showing up and which student it’s scheduled for? (If you’d rather not post that information publicly, just send an e-mail through our contact page to keep it private.)
Well, I figured it out! I had the subject that I was scheduling it for “unchecked” – I thought they were all checked, but apparently, I unchecked one and I did indeed schedule it three times, she’ll be a great writer after this year! HAHA!!!
Really like the ability to easily UNschedule resources – not sure if you worked on that recently, but I haven’t done it for a while and it seems much faster.
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