Organizer Wish List Item

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  • missceegee

    In the scheduler, I would love to have the ability to sort and view (and perhaps print) by days of the week. This would help me to see when I inadvertently schedule too much of one type of thing on a certain day. 



    Sonya Shafer

    My ultimate “wish” feature would be to have the organizer put together a Weekly Schedule on the fly as I schedule resources. So whenever I schedule a history book for dd2 for Tuesdays and Thursdays, it would add that subject on those two days on her row of the chart. Then i could see at a glance if one day is overbooked. Would that be something similar to what you’re thinking? Or would sorting be better for you so you could see the whole list of resources?


    Yes, I’d love that!   


    Laughing That would be awesome!


    I would love that, too:)


    Sonya, your idea is even better! I was simply thinking of some way to make sure that I didn’t unbalance any days. I do this know but with index cards and pen and automatic would simply be icing on the cake!Cool


    Thank you!

    ~ Christie


    Love that idea, Sonya! Let’s have that as the next new feature!!


    Doug Smith

    It is on our short list. However, we’re in the middle of a large update that is going to take a good deal more time first.

    Doug, are you going to let us in on what the large update is?  I am at the point where I am considering whether to renew in the next week, we are in our last year starting September and I am having to watch the pennies closely – I love the organiser though I don’t use it the way it is meant, I use it more as a really useful booklist that I can use in a free wheeling kind of way which suits our erratic health issue lifestyle – so what is on the plan, maybe there is something there to really encourage me – I love Sonya’s idea by the way.  Linda

    Doug Smith

    Sure, we’ve already talked a little about this next update so I’m happy to give some more of the details.

    This one is all about sharing resources and allowing our community to collaborate. Anyone can mark a book (or any resource) to be shared publicly and then everyone can use it. The checkbox is already present when you add a resource but it has a note saying the feature will be coming later.

    We’re then taking it to the next level by allowing anyone to edit any resource. We’ll keep a list of versions every time edits are made so you can easily go back to an older version if a resource gets messed up. It’s sort of like the way Wikipedia works. There will be safeguards in place so you have to be logged in and we keep track of who made changes.

    We hope these changes will make many more resources available and that everyone will work together to enter and check the details. For example, someone may enter the basic information about books used in a particular curriculum. Then others can come along and fill in the chapter titles or make corrections.

    You will also be able to copy a resource to a new one and modify it. We’ll be using this kind of thing to store and track multiple editions of a book.

    By the way, Linda, if you need to cancel your account for a while we’ll still keep everything in place if you decide to come back to it. Everything will be just as you left it. We don’t want anyone to feel locked in so we’ll keep your data for at least a year if your account is inactive.

    Thanks for the info Doug – for the resources I already have added and would like to share, will there be a way to do that if I did not use the checkbox at the time of entry?

    I only have one year of HS left, so I think I will renew – however as my renewal is up at the end of April and I will be schooling until end July next year, is there a way I can just do the year and then an additional 3 months?  Then I will have my complete year to end 12th grade.  Linda

    Doug Smith

    Yes, you will be able to edit resources you’ve already added and simply check the box to share them.

    When your annual subscription runs out you can switch to mont-to-month instead.

    Oh that will work well, so I can pay for the year, then pay monthly until I finish up is that right?  That would be super.  When I no longer homeschool do I have to quit the forum, I will miss you all if I have to do that?  Linda

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