Ok, I have to say that I LOVE the organizer! It is wonderful, especially if your CM homeschool plan is mostly do this book, and when done, do the next etc.
So – maybe this is more my problem…. but I’m trying to do a modified AO/Milestones Academy thing. I have planned out what I want accomplished down to each week, mostly from the AO/Milestones weekly lists. I then figured out what we would work on each day.
Well – maybe it is me… but I find that we will end up missing the same day each week for a while, or other problems… and end up way behind on some subject. I’ve also found that I have had to print a chart of the AO schedule, (modify it to match my modifications), then cross out each week, and modify our schedule to catch up on the subjects we are behind on. So – I’m ending up sort-of doing the organization twice! I’ve recently just put everything on our schedule to be everyday, and each week try to figure out what we will do each day… ugh!
Plus – I want to eventually move to my son being more independant… eventually moving to having goals for each week and him working on them – doing something in each subject area each day….
I’m trying to figure out how to make this work well with the organizer, without having to also keep other charts etc.
The printout from the organizer would be perfect for making my son a planner, except I wouldn’t want to print it out each day – just once a week. But then it only shows each resource once, so that things like math each day only shows the once lesson. A few resources need to be done only a couple of times a week….
I don’t know how clear I am being, but any suggestions?
Ok – I’ve been thinking on this for days… and just came up with what I think will work for now – will find out after a couple of weeks.
I have assigned the subjects to the days of the week M to Thursday, trying to get it even. I’ll print the page for each day for the planner the night before, so he can mark things off (will highlight anything to be done on his own). On Friday, they need to finish anything not done…. If everyone is finished the weeks work before Friday, then Friday is a “wild day” with a trip somewhere. (extra nature study, museum, or the Y or something…) If not done on Friday, then Saturday will be a school day too.
I can keep the schoolyear overview to make sure we are where I planned us to be, or make adjustments on occasion.