Organizer – Scheduling history modules, 106 days and using the planner

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  • Rebekahy

    OK, so I have all my homeschool curriculum books in front of me and I’m using the planning your cm education and I’m at the term outline and I’m trying to figure out do I just put in 106 days of Creation or do I list each of the resources separately – same thing with the Genesis through Deuteronomy – so I just schedule 180 lessons?  or each individual resource – and then what do I put into the organizer?  I’m using this for my 6 year old.



    Sonya Shafer

    You can do it either way, Rebekah. It just depends on how many details you want in your reports. If you want the titles of all the books, enter those also and check them off. If you’re happy with just the handbook being in the reports, don’t worry about the other resources.

    What I usually do is to enter the handbook and enter the other resources in order, that way I have all the titles included in my reports. I don’t enter a separate resource for the Bible readings, though, come to think of it; I just use the handbook for that.


    More detailed reports would be better, but I wouldn’t be excited about having all of the books show up every day.  Can you give me a little more detailed instruction on how you list the books from the first history module – for example – what about books you use throughout the year vs. the ones you use just once.

    So glad you answered Sonya – I really appreciate your help!


    Sonya Shafer

    For a six year old student using Genesis through Deuteronomy, here’s how I would set up the books (just for an idea). This is based on doing Bible History on M-W, Egypt on Th, Geography on F.

    Genesis through Deuteronomy handbook, start date of first day of school, scheduled for M-F

    True Story of Noah’s Ark, start date of one week after first day of school, scheduled for M

    Uncle Josh’s Outline Map Book (or just “Map Drill”), Africa map, start date of two weeks after first day of school, scheduled for F  (I’m assuming you’re not doing Letters from Egypt for the 6yo.)

    Now, for Oxford First Ancient History, since it will be interspersed between other readings, you could create a new resource with just the sections you will read (2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, etc or even the readings’ titles, if you prefer). That way you can select which sections you want to schedule first; then schedule Pyramid to start after that one; then schedule the resource’s next sections to start after Pyramid. Does that make sense? All of those would be scheduled for Thursdays.

    Clear as mud?


    I schedule the handbook for daily and all of the resources for daily b/c inevitably I miss a day here or there and would rather not backtrack through the handbook. I simply close those that I’m not going to use that day. You could also schedule all resources other than the handbook for Saturday and then just open as needed.

    Just some other ideas!


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