Organizer question – flexible weekly schedule?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Organizer question – flexible weekly schedule?

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    I have been using the organizer for a few months now and LOVE it.  It is truly helping me to be in the moment with my kids and not worry about what’s coming next.  Sonya’s description of it as a “pez dispenser” was spot on.  

    Here’s my question: this summer I plan to have 3 types of days to our school week: one day when all we do is a long hike/nature study/exploration, another day when all we do is projects/handicrafts, and the other three will be more along the lines of the 3 Rs.  I am hoping there is a way for me to schedule this so that the days can be switched around depending on the weather, our mood and energy levels, etc.  How would you suggest I do this?  Should I schedule each of the 3 types of days for EVERY DAY and then just mark off what we do that day, letting the rest roll over onto the next day?  Does this make sense?  Any ideas would be appreciated!

    Thank you! 

    Jordan Smith

    One way would be to schedule the days for one day that you don’t do schoolwork (such as Sunday). They will still be accesible at the bottom of the Daily Plan under “Not Scheduled for Today.” You can then mark off whichever one you did and it will be recorded for the day you did it.



    I used my trial period of the CMO a long time ago before all these new changes and I did like it. I have to admit that I am a little intimidated by it only because I see all the little details that everyone talks about. I know there is a learning curve associated with the CMO and I am up for that so I would like to try it again. Is there a way to do that even though I have already done it once already? If, not I totally understand. 

    Thank you, Mollie 

    Jordan Smith

    5heartsathome, we’d be happy to give you another free trial. Just send me an e-mail through our contact form with the user name or e-mail address you used when you did the free trial before, and I’ll get it reset for you.


    Gracias 🙂

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