I am wondering how this will work…. (trying to figure out how to ask this..)
I added a resource titled Bible Bowl. My kids are to study 3 chapters of Genesis for 1 month and then there will be a Bible Bowl competition. Then we will study 3 more chapters the next month, etc. So when I set up my divisions I made them for each month’s 3 chapters and set each child to read the chapters Mon-Fri. Now, if I check the first division as finished on the very first Monday that they read the chapters for that month, that division will be moved, right? So do I just click worked on for that division for the entire month? Or do I make one division per day? How will it affect our reports?
Yes, it makes sense, and you’re thinking correctly about your options. Seems like it would be easier to do Worked On for each day and then finish the division at the end of the month. In your Detailed Report it would show up something like this:
Worked on 10/1/09: chapter 1 (or whatever your division is called)
Worked on 10/2/09: chapter 1
Finished on 10/31/09: chapter 1
Your Summary Report will display that resource only after it is marked Finished, not while you’re still working on it. At the Finished point it will read something like
10/1/09 – 10/31/09: Studied (or whatever study method you use) chapter 1 (or whatever division 1 is called).
Okay, thanks. I did, however, add divisions for each time we will watch or listen to our Spanish DVD/CDs. We choose the songs so randomly that I think it would be better to check it as finished 3 days a week. So, I entered 81 divisions for Spanish audio/videos. 😉 That way it is checked off as a weekly thing that we are doing. Is that right? I did the same thing for things that we do weekly, like map work. Since we have 27 weeks left in our school year and we do map work every Tuesday, I made 27 divisions and scheduled family map work on Tuesdays. Now I will be able to check it off as finished every Tuesday, right?
I love this organizer!! I could not even sleep last night thinking about it! LOL!
I’ve got it all set up, and am ready to go tomorrow! 🙂 I even typed up my ‘week-at-a-glance’ last night! Thank you again for this wonderful resource!! I feel so “together” now 😉 LOL! I even scheduled in drawing and music one day a week with the organizer. Which was something we always forget to do. And I put in a “weekly good deed” for each child (make a card for the sick, give a sweet hug to a widow at services, etc.) I am hoping that things like this that often get pushed back and forgotten will be done now that I will have the organizer to remind me.
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