Organizer problem

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  • Sherrie

    Hello! I seem to be having a technical problem with my Daily Plan Organizer the last few days, and was wondering if you might be able to help(?) Every time I go to check off a completed assignment, the little “one moment” symbol won’t turn off. It just runs and runs and runs until I log off the page. When I go to get back on the daily plan, it has checked off the items intended, but I can’t get that little symbol to stop spinning! :-0 Any ideas?


    Mine does this from time to time also. I’d love to hear why.. but when I can’t get it to stop going I just hit the back arrow key and then move forward again?


    Sonya Shafer

    Thanks for letting us know, ladies. I’ll check with the programmer and see if he can shed any light on this issue.

    Sonya Shafer

    OK, the programmer has an idea of what might be causing things to get hung up sometimes, but the good news is that he is VERY close to having some upgrades for the Daily Plan page ready to roll. He says the code is significantly different with the new design, and he thinks that will fix the issue.

    (As an aside, I’ve been playing with the new Daily Plan design in the background, ladies, and I’m excited about the changes it will bring. And the best part is that it’s just the start! After those changes are launched, we can work on the Scheduler features on the wish list too.)


    That’s great Sonya! I appreciate your looking into it.

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