organizer and keeping track of time

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  • Barbara Durland

    Is there a way to keep track of time that shows up on a report?

    Also, is there a way to change the actual lesson that is worked on in a particular book? For example, we are starting on lesson 12 in the Right Start B book, but when I input the book, it automatically starts at lesson 1.


    The only way I can think of to do it would be to include a note for each assignment that simply says “30 minutes” or “10:00-10:20” when you record “worked on” or “finished.”  That would show up on your progress reports when you display or print them.


    Forgot to mention, you will need to select “detailed” in the report settings, and then click on each sticky note icon before printing.

    Barbara Durland

    ah, thanks!

    Is there a way to change the lesson planned for that day?

    Jordan Smith

    Is there a way to change the lesson planned for that day?

    Yes. When you schedule the resource, click/tap the link that says “Select lessons” (it may be named something different depending on the division type) to bring up the division selector. You can use that to choose which lessons you want to use and even rearrange them into a custom order.

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