Organized school room – looking for blog articles

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  • Sue

    A calf in your schoolroom?!?!  I guess maybe I should be glad we don’t have a dedicated schoolroom because, as city folk, we could end up with a skunk or squirrel or a bunch of stray cats in ours! Great pictures, Melissa.

    I really appreciate all of your links to previous threads and to your blogs. @apbeery, I’ve been especially inspired by the yellow boxes in your school/craft closet. I didn’t realize you can laser print on fabric like that….really cool!

    Our week got a bit too busy after I first posted to do much more decluttering or organizing, but I did manage to take down the Christmas tree. Yes….you read that correctly….

    We usually leave our tree up & decorated until about the 2nd week of January, then the Christmas decor and ornaments get put away. However, the last few years, we left the red ornaments on the tree (do you see what’s coming here?) and then the kids or I would decorate for Valentine’s Day with paper hearts. Usually we write on them to make them like large versions of those “conversation hearts.” Then, right after Feb. 14, the tree is completely put away.

    Well, this year, the kids asked me if we could leave the tree up and decorate it as each holiday came around. I tentatively agreed to this as long as they continued to change out the decorations. (Plus, the tree is not in super shape & a bit larger than I want any longer, so we were planning to downsize with a newer one come Dec. 2013.) This worked fine for St. Patrick’s Day & the first day of Spring (the girls made huge tissue paper flowers out of full sheets of pastel tissue paper)…..but then, it sat barren and dark over Easter. Sadly, no plastic eggs or paper egg ornaments, no palm branch crosses, no crown of thorn wreaths, not even a symbolic empty tomb–just an empty tree. So, down it came on Thursday & off it went to someone else’s house. Yay! I can walk through the french doorway between the dining room & living room without turning sideways! I can see the hardwood floor again! And wonder of wonders, my son got out the vacuum cleaner on his own and ran it over the area so he could play with some cars there!

    Life, if not my organizational skill, is good.




    We are moving. YEAH! To the country, but that is another post for another time. But there are 8 of us living here and I’ve been decluttering for years, but am feeling a bit overwhelmed at packing. I am DETERMINED (yes in all caps LOL!) to not move anything we don’t use and a few sentimental things of our grandmothers that look pretty and are usefull at times. So, thank you TRISTAN for that laundry basket, box, bag idea. I’ve done the bag, but never thought of having all three at the same time. What a great idea! I love too that you deal with it right away. GREAT STUFF! I tend to put piles in the garage of donations, but putting a box in the van would certainly get it done faster LOL!

    I wanted to reply to the OP as well on schoolroom. We use our dining room and we love it! Now most of our schooltime is spent in other rooms actually (reading together in kitchen while eating and/or living room cuddled under blankets, outside now that it is warming up, etc.), but to have a place at the end of the day for it all to go, and a place for people to sit quietly at a table and work and/or take tests, it is so nice!). When we move, I’ll have 450 sq. ft. of space for our new study! AAACCCKKKK! I can hardly stand it. I am planning it out in my mind. We’re also contracted with a craftsman to do some built-in shelves for all of our books. I have two desks being built-in, which won’t be enough for all of the students but they don’t all sit at desks at the same time. We’ll have our table in there as well. I am also on the look-out for little desks. I might have sold two old school desks. Kind of wish I had them but honestly the surface wasn’t ever big enough for papers and a book and they tended to topple over, so probably just as well. As far as organizing, I have a small space now-11×11, but organization is key.

    Here is an old post of our current schoolroom:

    I can’t wait to have more room for our six children to spread out. Our *new* (havne’t moved in yet) one-room schoolhouse also has an old wood stove in it as well as an outside door. It will be similar to this above, but so much better b/c I’ll have more space for our nature area, geography stuff, math stuff, etc. Oh and all of our books will be in this room for easy pickings instead of spread out all over the house! I hope to have a true catalog of all of our books. I feel very blessed. The home we’re buying is more than 30 years old and needs a lot of TLC, but it is great to know we’ll have more space for learning and growing together. 🙂 HTH


    LDIMom, I am so excited for you! I have missed your posts here. Hope you will have time to chime in again soon!


    Congratulations on your new home LDIMom…..but I must caution you, a move to the country, may mean a calf in your school room too 😉





    LDImom – Glad the idea is helpful! Praying your move goes well and that you don’t end up with a calf in the schoolroom…or any other room…LOL.



    I have a question about the labels you printed on fabric for your craft closet….how did you affix them to the boxes after cutting them to size? Did you use spray adhesive or some type of glue?


    I used Mod Podge for mine, but I bet you could also use Elmer’s glue or even hot glue. I left the fabric on the paper after I ran it through the printer. That gave the label a little more weight and stability. Hope that helps.

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