Organization tips


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  • rhondajennings68

    I am a single mom of a 5 year old who is very ADHD. I work 4 days a week and really need to find better ways to organize my time/schedule etc and to be better organized in general. I used to be very organized until I became a mom. Now I seem to tread water. Any thoughts or suggestions?



    Kelly Bond

    Hi Rhonda,

    As someone who thrives on organization also, I can relate to what you’re saying. One thing I have done is to make a list of everything I need to do over the course of a day/week/month that is not done automatically (for example, I don’t need to list taking a shower, or brushing my teeth, etc.). I created a very simple weekly to-do sheet and assigned certain nights for certain tasks.

    For example, on Monday nights I try to do kitchen-related duties: making bread or snacks for the week, cleaning out the fridge, wiping down the oven, etc. If there are meals later in the week where I can do some simple food prep ahead of time, I might do that (shredding cheese, etc.). On Thursdays, I pay bills and/or update our budget and work on paperwork. Friday nights I always work on homeschool plans for the following week (deciding what days we will do a certain subject, go on a field trip, etc. I will also take this time to look at our math lesson for the week ahead of time – this helps so much to not be trying to figure something out at the last minute).

    If this appeals to you, perhaps you could figure out some main categories of tasks you are trying to get done and assign them a day (I keep saying day but I do most of this stuff at night). I am not always this rigid, though I do tend to prefer a set schedule! That is not realistic with kids and family life, though. I do try to always have a TO DO list going of special projects and those I want to get done regularly. I find that taking even a few of those and assigning them a day helps so much. If I have to change my schedule, at least I have something to change from.

    If any part of this is confusing, I apologize. I have written this between the times my son has needed help – we’ve got a bad stomach bug around here.




    Thanks. I used to be so organized but once I adopted my son (who is very ADHD), life got crazy. I sometimes think that he has rubbed off on me!! LOL

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