Oral Narration – 7 yo boy

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  • Angela Brunelle

    My 7 yo boy has suddenly hit a brick wall with oral narration.  He was doing just fine and now he can barely remember one detail, regardless of whether I read a page or even just one little paragraph.  He’s a very strong willed child that has bucked every single request in the past, but has grown out of that a good bit, so I think the part of his brain that is responsible for comprehension must be on vacation while another part is having a growth spurt.  Has anyone else experienced this?  If so, did you just keep trying or take a break?  How long did the difficulty with oral narration last? Thank you for any words of wisdom!


    Hi there! Good narrations only come from living books and even then, some books are harder to narrate than others. Is it a new book that he’s having trouble narrating from? Is he having trouble narrating from all books or just one?


    I’d be hesitant to take a break…the more my DC narrate, the better they get at it.  Some of my DC have really struggled with narration, and some have done well with it.  I’ve also noticed that my DC connect with some books better than others…maybe try another book to get him going.  Also, try shorter readings.  You can even stop in the middle of a reading for narration.

    Many moms like starting narration with Aesop’s Fables since they are a good length for beginning narrations.  Many of the fables are only a paragraph long.  Maybe just start with him narrating one story from Aesop’s (or another book) per day and see how it goes.


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