Definately looks interesting and like something my 9 1/2yo ds would like. I’m passing it on to my dh to see what he thinks. We’re just finishing up Window on the World and this may be a good follow-up. Although it would only cover a few of the people groups we read about. Hmmmm……
I look forward to hearing what some other folks think.
I’ve gotten things from Sonlight, so they sent me info on this. We watched the first video today. It was short; they showed some of Russia and briefly talked about it. They showed some places and mentioned a touch of history.
The boy went to Russia and talked to teenagers about whether they went to church or how many of their friends go or know anything about it.
The idea is to raise money to send radios to people in countries that don’t know Jesus so they can listen to Christian radio broadcasts. Sonlight usually does some big project like this and I think they try to do something worthwhile. I don’t know what the radio broadcasts are like or anything.
If you sign up, you don’t actually have to send money if you don’t want to. You can just watch the videos and talk about the countries and/or the reason they are going there-to help people know about Jesus. Anyway, there isn’t any obligation to the program if you sign up to see the videos or get the info.
The video wasn’t extremely informative, but I haven’t gotten the packet in the mail yet, or looked at the links at the side about the history of the country, etc.
As far as Sonlight goes, I’ve never had any problems with them having my email or information. You can trust their site.