Opinions on Sequential and Progressive Spelling curr.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Dictation (Spelling) Opinions on Sequential and Progressive Spelling curr.

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  • Rachel White

    Who has used Sequential Spelling? Do you notice the phonics rule ‘immersed’ gently throughout the program, as claimed? What did you think of it’s methodology?

    I’m still battling around ideas in strenghthening spelling before getting SW by Sonya in the near future. I have the Progressive Speller already and have considered using that along with “ABC’S and all their Tricks”. That way, I have the words and their sounds presented AND I can teach phonics rules as needed without purchasing a more expensive curriculum, as that isn’t possible right now.

    Any thoughts on Sequential spelling and/or “ABC’s…Tricks” and/or my idea for combining Progressive and “ABC’s..” would be appreciated.




    Rachel, I have not used this personally, but was just won a copy at convention. It isn’t for me and is on my “leave the house” shelf.

    I do differ from most CMers in that I teach reading by teaching spelling first, so CM ways are not a good fit for me. I’ve used Spell to Write and Read, Phonics Road, LEM Phonics, and All About Spelling. My overall favorite is probably LEM, but for simplicity’s sake, I like AAS and use it now. 

    Most phonics programs do not cover phonograms properly and do not cover spelling rules. English is quite phonetically correct, when you know the rules! I do own ABCs…Tricks and it’s a good resource, but personally I wanted something a bit more laid out. I own McGuffey’s Speller, too and I think you could manage with those 2 resources, if need be. There is a resource called Phonics Made Plain with a wall chart, that might easily round out what you already own. I think cbd sells it. 

    The basics of using any OG phonogram approach are as follows…

    • Teach all phonograms. Meaning all sounds that a letter or letter combination can make at the same time. For example – a says a as in cat, a as in cape, ah as in ma. Some programs add aw like in ball, but this is easily figured from the first 3.
    • Teach accurate spelling rules. ie. when to use a silent e – hint…there are 5 reasons
    • Practice with what you know as you add to.

    I do have SW and use dictation as part of our spelling, but not the whole. We need the rules here!

    HTH at least a little.



    WE have used Sequential spelling and I like it for the ease of use and my boys’ spelling has improved.  However, I do not think the phonics’ rules  come so easily.  You would need a working knowledge of those and then teach your kids as you meet up with them in the lessons.  The lessons definitely follow a pattern.  We used to use Spelling Power and that became a drudgery for my kids. So Sequential Spelling has been a breath of fresh air for us.




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