Opinion on The Learnables for French anyone?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Foreign Languages Opinion on The Learnables for French anyone?

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  • Seriously about to buy the level one CD rom version, but wanted anyone here to give me insight before investing. I don’t want to teach French to my kids and I need an independent way for them to learn. Does it really work?



    You can pick up some scattered vocabulary using The Learnables.  Almost no one will go from using a program like The Learnables only, to actual conversational ability.  This is true of nearly any “independent” program.  I firmly believe that the only way to learn to SPEAK a language is to speak it.  With someone.  If someone tells you that the average person can pick up conversational fluency listening to tapes or a computer, they are trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. 


    This is true.  We’ve had exchange students from all over the world (I’m talking with one now.)  All of them had years of “english” in school and only one of them had any command of the english language when they came.  It was funny actually.  We spent the first several weeks playing lots of “charades.”  Smile  But by being in our home and out and about, they learned the language remarkably quickly.

    So you’re saying I need a live-in French maid? LOL! I agree with you totally. 🙂

    I do have a French tutor that comes once a week, but I’d like a program that the kids can do when she’s not here. I heard Easy French was good, but not sure if that’s independent oriented.


    Yes, I’d like one of those too, and a Mexican cook, and a German gardener.  Sealed  If you have a tutor, you can pick up vocab with Learnables.  I don’t think it’s the most enjoyable, but it is certainly less expensive than many of the computer based programs. 

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