online math program for high school

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  • jill smith

    HI, does anyone know if there is a good online math program? my son needs one and all I’ve found are $500 ones.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Here are some good programs we’ve used:</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>
    Mr. D math</p>
    Homeschool Math Class (Jann In TX)

    Derek Owens

    CTC math (I’ve used her elementary ones for Singapore)

    I’ve used different ones at different times with different kids.   Prices vary and are more for live instruction.


    No idea what happened with the formatting above.


    We like teaching textbooks. If you’re looking for a live class or personal teacher, the cost will be high. Teaching Textbooks and CTC math are online automated programs and are much more affordable.


    I also recommend Teaching Textbooks. A subscription is only $67 for the whole year, I believe. My son did really well with their Algebra 2 this year and learned it all on his own. It was great.


    Here are some online math classes and resources to check out: *we liked this one *we thought it was ok…re-algebra

    You could also try these online courses. They do have a fee after you try them. Not too pricey, but was within our “one income” budget: *currently using for Pre-Algebra and we like it

    Paula Spicer

    We had to use Derek Owens for geometry.  He has online videos, not very long in length.  Then he has work out of the Jacobs Geometry textbook and usually a worksheet that he has made.  You email him the worksheet, they grade it and send it back. Same with tests, he has his own tests.  He keeps grades for you. It’s $60 a month.

    I like him and his way of teaching.  Geometry was just horrible for us, and I will try him for Physical Science next school year.

    We’ve done dive in the past and also math without borders, but we liked Derek Owens the best


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