Online Bible study for Homeschooling moms-

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  • pjssully

    Just thought I would share a resource, that is FREE, for homeschooling moms that has been transforming for my family.  Below is a short testimony followed by a link for more information and how to sign up if your interested.  If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them at:

    As a homeschooling mom who also experienced daily health challenges, I often found myself feeling lonely and far from God.  Although I attended church every week, I found it difficult to attend a weekly Bible study due to the hectic homeschooling schedule with four children.  My physical limitations put further restrictions on my time and ability to connect with others.   But my Savior heard my plea for help and directed me to I-study, an online Bible study.

    In the five years that I have been a part of I-study, I have developed close friendships with other faithful Christians around the world, grown in my love for others around me, and have a peace and stillness through Christ that I never would have believed possible.  My children have been able to witness my growth as I have become diligent in my daily Bible time as well as my ability to pray with them and discuss both spiritual and worldly issues in a loving and consistent manner.  My children are now teenagers and I truly believe that my time in I-study has had a direct impact on their walk with God. Three of my children have been on mission trips throughout the world multiple times, and this I believe is a direct result of my obedience in my own Bible study and relationship with God.  My other child experiences multiple medical challenges daily, yet has a deep faith and hope in her Savior.  

     I-study gave me hope, friendship, love, and most of all the truth of God’s word.  Through I-study and God’s gracious love, my life and my family’s life has been truly transformed. I am so grateful for I-study and I am very excited to meet with others to share the blessing of this unique Bible study opportunity!

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