Ongoing favorite book list

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  • Kelly Bond

    I absolutely love to read to my kids…you, too? I’d love to hear some of the great picture books you’re reading these days. I am looking at my bookshelves with a more critical eye these days, asking myself, ” Is this twaddle? If it is, is it okay to still read it once in a while because it just makes my son laugh?” I know these are questions only I can answer, but I’d love to share the journey with others.

    Here are some of our favorites right now:

    One Morning in Maine by Robert McCloskey

    The Art Lesson by Tomie dePaola

    Birds in Your Backyard by Barbara Herkert

    A Flower Fairy Alphabet by Cicely Mary Barker

    First Snow in the Woods & Lost in the Woods & Stranger in the Woods by Carl Sams

    Give Thanks to the Lord by Karma Wilson

    I Took a Walk by Henry Cole

    Rabbits and Raindrops by Jim Arnosky

    Very Last First Time by Jan Andrews




    This is great.  I’ll check out some new ones now!  

    We like:

    Raggedy Ann & Andy 

    Along with OMIM, we also love Blueberries for Sal, Lentil and Make Way for Ducklings

    Virginia Lee Burton’s (Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel, The Little House, etc.)

    My husband reads the Magic Treehouse Series to them at night (This is twaddle, but it brings up some interesting conversations about events in time and the geography; so maybe it’s is actually semi-twaddle?  They are not very challenging to read; in fact, it’s extremely simple writing, but it’s fun!)

    I love Little House In The Big Woods, my girls are not that interested — yet.  I think it’s a little old for them right now, but it is one of MANY on my list to read *before* them!  Unfortunately, I have started late, but I am making up for lost time now.  I wasn’t encouraged to read much as a child.  I have taken up reading great literature as an adult, and I would love for my girls to enjoy reading like I do.

    Children’s Treasury of Literature (original fairy tales, Aesop’s Fables, etc.)

    James Herriot’s Treasury for Children

    The Adventures of Old Man Coyote and Jimmy Skunk.


    Some of my all-time favorites:

    All the Places to Love, Patricia MacLachlan

    The Narrow Escapes of Solomon Smart, Mabel Watts (old and out of print, but well worth finding!)

    Emmett’s Pig, Mary Stolz (illustrated by Garth Williams)

    Wee Gillis, Munro Leaf (illustrated by Robert Lawson)

    Ox-Cart Man, Donald Hall

    Play With Me, Just Me, and In The Forest, all by Marie Hall Ets

    A Hole is to Dig, Ruth Krauss and Maurice Sendak

    HA!  I started this with “Two of my favorites are…”  and ended up with nine.  I have to make myself stop…I LOVE picture books!

    Jodie Apple

    How fun!!  We really enjoy picture books here too.  Some of our favorites are:

    Babushka’s Doll by Patricia Polacco

    The Pumpkin Blanket by Deborah Turney Zagwyn

    The Napping House by Audrey Wood

    Corduroy by Don Freeman

    Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

    Eric Carle books (House for Hermit Crab, The Foolish Tortoise, From Head to Toe, etc.)


    Kelly Bond

    Another book with incredibly beautiful illustrations…All Around Me I See by Laya Steinberg. Every time I read this book, I ooh and ahh over the pictures!


    Oh I love this topic! There was a question on favorite picture books posted by Cindy a few months back. Incase you didn’t see it, here’s the link! LOTS of books are listed here.

    Ditto to James Herriots Treasury for Children. Also, Lass, Owl Moon and all the Holling books are a couple of our fav’s. Thanks for posting, I look forward to checking into some of these too.



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