one year world history & one year american history

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    I need your help 🙂 I need to throw together a one year American history and a one year world history. I’m curious if you could use the Genevieve Foster books to do something like this? I have so many books I just don’t know how to do this :/ If you use the SotW books – would that cover both of those history cycles? I’m lost, lol.


    Beautiful Feet has a middle school one and is releasing a high school one soon.



    Have you looked at Ambleside? They typically schedule American and World together.

    Yes, BF just came out with Modern American and World History. We received our box of books last week and they look great! This study covers 1860-now and is intended for 5th-8th grade. They do have a high school American and World, but it’s intended as a two year study.

    We’ve used the G. Foster books and they’re good. However, I think trying to read all of them in one year may be a bit much.

    What age(s) are your student(s)?



    I haven’t looked too closely at this, but I came across these a few days ago and wrote it down as a possibility.  I’m just starting to look into high school materials (my oldest is in 7th).


    The Beautiful Feet highschool US and World history is being rewritten currently. Here’s my email conversation with BF, start at the bottom. I’m not trying to sell you on the BF study, just give you updated info.

    Hi Christie,

    Exactly. The two existing years of the US & World will be combined into one year. We will be dropping 15 or so of the existing books and adding in a couple new titles.

    The reading load will be similar in the new study but with more age-appropriate literature. Many of the titles in the current study are not high school level.

    A recommended 9-12 study sequence would be:
    9th – Ancient history
    10th – Medieval history
    11th – US & World Modern
    12th – A government and economics course. We carry a government course by Zeezok called A Noble Experiment which is a one-semester high school study. And we’ll soon be carrying Zeezok’s Economics course designed for high school.
    Keep in mind this sequence can be altered. You could use the Medieval either 10th or 11th, and the Zeezok studies in either 10th, 11th, or 12th depending on your preference. The new US & World study should be completed in either 11th or 12th as it will be our most demanding in terms of reading, content, comprehension, and writing.

    Hope that helps!


    On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Christie  wrote:

    Just to be clear, the 2 US/World high school guides that are 1 year each are being combined into 1 study guide that is for only one year of study? Is the load increasing or are books/assignments being dropped?

    What would be a recommended course of study for 9th – 12th grades?


    On Jan 6, 2015, at 2:53 PM, Josh Berg wrote:

    Hi Christie,

    Thanks for contacting us! We are currently revising our US & World for high school as well as our History of Science study. We hope to have the US & World available by the end of summer. It is a full revision in that we’re combining the two years into one, updating book lists, create a brand-new study guide, etc. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions!
    Josh Berg



    Thanks for posting this Christie. I hadn’t heard of the revision. We used the current (soon to be old) US & World with our dd, homeschool graduate. She really enjoyed it. I’m a huge BF fan! I think condensing it into one year will be more user friendly for many families, however, I’ll be curious to see which books they cut. They are all so delicious 😉


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