Once in a life time nature experiences…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Once in a life time nature experiences…

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  • Misty

    I have to tell you of a couple things we are loving this summer already.

    One is not so great but just God’s wonderfull daily bliss in our life. As I sit right now a bunny just hopped across our yard (probably heading toward my newly fenced in garden).

    Also, we have 3 bird feeders and have come to know about 10 birds that come daily to eat 3 very colorful ones (cardinal, gold finch and the humming bird) we are also learning there habits and come to know them well. The humming bird actually we got to touch and see as it got caught in our garage (trying to eat my dh’s “red” cargo work van) and we had to catch it to get it out.

    But the most awesome thing something my children will never forget happened Saturday as we decided to go to the local dam. They caught crayfish, fogs, toads (oh, there goes teh bunny again must of seen the fence 😆 )frogs, clams and some very crazy fish splashing in the water.

    But as we took a trail there was this tree that was so weird the best way to describe it was like taking a paper towel roll and cutting a 1/4 of it the long way and having a long “c” in a way left. So we’re checking this out and what does my son say as he turns around “hey, theres a monkey or something in that tree”. A monkey, my dh is laughing so hard there are absolutely no monkeys in MN. But we all turn around to see not 1 but 2 tails hanging down from a branch. As we go running over and peek at what it is we see 2 baby racoons side by side sleeping up there. We took pictures of them and wish so much you could have seen this. I have never seen a sight like this before. It was picture perfect to say the least.

    God’s wonders all around and how we do or can miss so much when we aren’t looking in the right spot. He amazes me all the time with his creation and we love sharing it with our boys.

    Just wanted to share a great adventure this weekend in God’s world.


    Jodie Apple

    What a neat experience! I wish our experience with raccoons was like this…instead we have one that’s wiping out our garden!!! 🙁

    Thanks for sharing!!

    That must have been great! What a neat experience. My dd and I also love being out in the backyard in our semi-rural area. We have a couple of rabbits that are regulars – in our garden too – until I put Ivory Soap shavings and some of dh’s cut hair around and when our mulberry tree was bearing berry…oh my, the birds were EVERYWHERE! God has truly made a wonderful world!

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