Once a week subjects – help!

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  • Rebekahy

    I just cannot get in the swing of subjects that are just once a week.  It seems like unless we do something everyday, I just write it off and say – “Oh, we’ll do that later in the day” and then of course we never do it.  I’m so much better at doing the same subject if I have materials to cover everyday.  For example, if we do hymn study once a week, I will never do it, but if we plan to sing the hymn everyday, then it takes a couple minutes and it’s done.  Same thing with artist study, if I have 8 books about a particular artist I have no problem reading a small portion everyday, but to do it just once a week seems impossible!  Needless to say, I also do not follow CM’s principle of doing different subjects at different times everyday.  Does anyone else have this problem?  How have you overcome it?  I’m thinking about starting to schedule things in blocks, so artist study for two weeks, then composer study for two weeks, poetry for two weeks, etc…

    Would love to hear your thoughts!


    We do sing our hymn everyday until we know it fluently. Instead of doing composer and picture studies one day a week, we do them two days per week. And Shakespeare is our only once-per-week subject right now. Here’s what I do to help myself stay in the swing of things:

    Composer Study is Monday and Wednesday. This is when we read a book about the composer. We listen to our CDs every time we’re in the car.

    Picture Study is Tuesday and Thursday. We read a book about the artist on Tuesday and look at that week’s painting on Thursday.

    Shakespeare is on Friday. We read a portion of the play and discuss it until I feel like we all understand what’s going on.

    All of these subjects take place at the same place in our subject order each day. So our day goes in this order:


    Scripture Memorization





    Picture Study/Composer Study/Shakespeare



    We still have grammar twice a week, but ds loves it so much that I don’t ever have to be reminded. He would like to have grammar everyday! And poetry is twice a week too, in the same place as grammar, but on alternate days

    But this way, I still know we have something to do between Science and Literature each day. 

    Does that all make sense?

    And, all that to say if it works better for you to schedule those subjects in blocks, by all means, go for it!

    I schedule mine the following way:

    Mondays:  Geography

    Tuesdays:  Composer Study

    Wednesdays:  Artist Study

    Thursdays:  Poetry/Character Study

    Fridays:  Nature Study

    I do all of our “together” work first thing in the morning.  Then, everyone can work at their own pace for their other subjects.  You could also set aside Fridays to do all of the once a week subjects.  I know, however, that I would be tempted just to take Fridays off if that were the case at my house.


    I think I have a similar approach to others. While we do not do art or music everyday, we do do something every day so there is always that slot in our schedule. Knowing it is there keeps me from forgetting or skipping it. 


    I am having problems keeping up with our once a week subjects as well. But, I think mine problem is not having the supplies I want/need and scheduling of the day.  I had gathered supplies for last semester at least a month before we began in Aug. and had meant to gather 2nd semesters supplies during Christmas break.  Uh, that did not happen.  Now, it’s not that we don’t have other supplies we could use, but I’m a bit anal and if I have to change what we’re doing because of not having the supplies I hand intended on using ( or did not solidify what we were going to use or who we were going to study, then I get all messed up) then I get a little messed up:)

    I have also made the mistake of not doing all family subjects in the morning but saving them for the afternoon.  By that time I’m beat and don’t feel they are as important (I know, that’s bad), except Scripture memory/Bible/Character (I have been able to maintain those.  I think is has been easier in the morning to let the boys get started on their independent work because I may be doing something else. That gets them started, but I’m seeing how that is not working and I need to do all of those first then let them work at their own pace on the others subjects.

    Isn’t it amazing how you can just tweak one or two things and it can make all the difference in the world???  I’m excited about changing things and seeing where that leads us.

    I didn’t post the original question but have been having some of the same issues and I appreciate the responses and have been helped by them.  Thanks everyone!

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