How exactly do you enter info into the boxes? For example, say you’ve got a guy that lived from 1701 – 1755 (I’m just making stuff up here), and he invented something in 1742. Would you put him in 1701, 1742, or 1755? Then what happens if further along as you read, some other big thing like a war perhaps happened in 1742 but you already put his invention there? I thought you only put one thing in each century’s box, correct? Or am I missing something?
It’s strictly up to you, Sara B. The BOC is a tool to help you remember what relations you formed as you studied history. If you think his invention is a highlight of the century, put it in the box along with the war. If you would rather record it in the Discoveries and Inventions column on the other page, do that. There isn’t really one right way to fill it in; make it your servant, not your master. It’s a personal record of your journey through history. Use it however you want to.
They are completely different. I think of the free downloadable pages more as a “binder timeline”. Each Century has a 2 page spread with a date label at the top… you can put in picture or lists of people/events from that century.
The one that is purchased is based on a more recent understanding of what CM did for a Book of Centuries. This one has 4 pages per century – one is a century chart where you put a word or picture in the year spaces for a quick picture of what happened in the century. There is a page for you to write a brief narration/overview of the century. There is a place to list various things from the century (there are 6 categories). And then there is a page for the student to draw things from that century. (This description was by memory – and I have been looking at a LOT of books of Centuries – so I might be mixed up with one of the pages….)
You can download the free pages, of course – but you can also download a sample from the one for purchase which explains it.
Suzukimom, that was a pretty good description. I designed the one that SCM sells and I couldn’t have said it better. I encourage those interested to look at the sample that is available here –
It is a very good sample that you can compare to the free option or other options.
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