Old Testament Tabernacle

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  • csmamma

    Hi Everyone!

    We have the opportunity to tour a life-sized replica of the Old Testament (Wilderness) Tabernacle in our city. We have until October 19th and would love to do a bible study on the Tabernacle before we visit. Do you have any ideas or living book suggestions? We can’t wait and would love to see it come to life for our dc (and dh and I). 🙂

    Thanks all!

    Hugs in Heaven



    Here is a blog entry that has a lot of resource in it! 🙂


    Sonya Shafer

    I don’t have any specific suggestions for books, but here are three sites that might be helpful in your search:

    The Tabernacle Place

    Bible Places

    Rose Publishing


    Thanks ladies!

    Candace, my computer is having problems opening up the blog for some reason-I’ve tried twice and each time it wants to shut down on me 🙁 . I’ll try again tomorrow.

    Sonya, you are a gem! The Tabernacle Place site is wonderful and exactly what I was looking for. Not only is there a wonderful model to purchase and build but also the site gives lots of information concerning the significance of each part of the tabernacle. I can’t wait to go through – the one in our city looks alot like the replica found on the Bible Places site. Thanks again :).



    PS. Hey Suzq (I know you’re in southeast GrandRapids- from the “where do you live” thread) the replica is at Cornerstone University in GR incase youre interested. 🙂


    Wow Sonya, you are a neverending source of fascinating websites! The Tabernacle Place is wonderful and now, Lord willing, I want to plan a tabernacle study for the upcoming year. I had no idea there was so much to it!!

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