Old lesson plans for history/geography/Bible SCM

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  • Amy

    I have the older version and wondering if it is worth updating to themes one?  Can you tell me the differences?


    Sonya Shafer

    I’m not sure which study you have the older version of, Amy. One of the main reasons we revised the first three history studies is because a main recommended book went out of print, Oxford First Ancient History. If you have that book, you could easily use the original plans.

    The revised plans replaced that out-of-print book (with Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors in the Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt study; with The Story of the Greeks or Romans from Nothing New Press in the other two studies), added The Stuff They Left Behind pictures, added or swapped some new books that we discovered, and simplified the geography plans to use the Visits To . . . notebooks instead of putting those together yourself.


    Okay thanks Sonya!  Was there any major changes in the Gospels-Acts & Roman years?  Except reading Stories of the Romans?  Trying to decide whether to invest in the new or keep the old.  Do you prefer the new books to the older ones?  Thanks so much for your help!

    Sonya Shafer

    In the Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome study the main difference will be book choices.

    • Switched to Story of the Romans from Nothing New Press
    • Changed the grades 1-3 books
    • Added some Early Church biographies (using Peril and Peace)
    • Added a fabulous biography of Paul for grades 10-12 (The Apostle)
    • Then, as mentioned above, changed the do-it-yourself geography studies and book recommendations to the ones given in Visits to Europe and added the pictures in The Stuff They Left Behind

    I like the changes we made, but the older version is still a solid study of that time period.


    I am glad I found this post.  I have all the older versions and was wondering also if I should upgrade.  Which I really didn’t want to do because that is more money being spent.  So thanks!

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