Okay ready to put aside MOH for SCM but what about Ancient China and such.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Okay ready to put aside MOH for SCM but what about Ancient China and such.

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  • Okay so I am ready to put aside Mystery of History as it is to busy in all the questions and activities and such.  But in looking at the different  begining study guides on ancients. It does not seem to say anything at all about what was happening in the ancients in the other areas that had impact on our history as well. 

    What about like China and such.  And maybe things like the summarians and minoans(spelling) and such.  And much more but you get the idea.


    Sonya Shafer

    The Oxford First Ancient History book (that is unfortunately, just now out of print, but maybe you have a copy already) has some sections on Sumer and other early civilizations. You could easily supplement with those. Also the All Through the Ages book has a section on China’s history that you could get some books suggestions from.


    I use a book called The Timetables of History which is basically a 4″ thick timeline.  Smile  I look up the time period that we’re studying and it gives me what is going on worldwide during that time in all categories.  So I can, for example, tuck in Anc. China, music, science, etc.  It’s a great resource.


    Robin, can you tell us the auhor of The Timetables of History, please?


    Sorry!  Bernard Grun.

    Thanks I do have that book, just need to pull is out more.  :O)

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