Hello! I apologize if this has discussed before but I can’t really find anything in the forum. Does anyone have a good list of living history books based in Ohio? My dd is 7 and in 2nd grade. Thanks!
It’s been awhile since we studied Ohio history, and both times we did it through a co-op. This was back when my youngest (now 10th grade) was in 3rd grade and again in 7th grade, and I didn’t personally choose the materials.
However, in an attempt to look back on books we’ve read that included Ohio history, I found a couple of resources you might check out. This blog is geared toward teaching geography, but there are some living history books listed. Another blog lists a few books for each of the 50 states. If you scroll down, you’ll find Ohio.
Also, I do recall reading The Wright Brothers by George Sullivan during our Modern History module. You can find more information about this book in the SCM Bookfinder.
We have two books by Rick Sowash we like for Ohio. Critters, Flitters, and Spitters: 24 Amazing Ohio Animal Tales and Heroes of Ohio: 23 True Tales of Courage and Character. He also has an Ohio tall tales book I’ve not come across to read yet: Ripsnorting Whoppers: Humor from America’s Heartland.