Nutrition/Health Living Book?!

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  • Amy

    I am searching for a good living book for a preteen boy on nutrition/health. (not really a “curriculum”) I have so many great ideas for the high school years but looking for something that is more fitting for that age.  Really want to focus on eating healthy, taking care of yourself, exercise, etc.  I don’t mind if the book focuses on just one area just looking for some good reads!  TIA for ideas!



    The ones I know of are alternative health and are curriculum. Queen’s Homeschool has one and so does Food Renegade. Rod and Staff has an old health curriculum.


    Abeka has health too.


    Thanks everyone, looking more for a good read as to a “curriculum”.  Thanks for your ideas though!



    That is challenging. Most of the books I have read related to health are bent on a particular way of eating that isnt very mainstream. Like Wheatbelly was good, but it promotes a grain free diet, not sure you would want your young person getting on board with that unless the whole family was in agreement. There is an old book called What Would Jesus Eat that was interesting, put food in a more Biblical perspective. Another older book 100 Healthiest Foods was sort of encyclopedic but interesting.  I enjoy a website called (Dr. Axe). He is kind of “alternative” but not to the point of crazy. I think he has some books. I would caution that a lot of healthy diet books promote an alternative type eating style that may or may not be a good fit for your family. I wouldn’t hand one to my child unless they were discerning enough to know the author was not the end-all authority on health. I hope you find something. I haven’t seen many books on general healthy eating and nutrition but they must exist.


    Thanks Crystal, I know it has been tough!  I agree with the fads, it is hard to find a good one on the latest research but not leaning to one side.  I have gone gluten-free, but my family has not.  I don’t necessarily need them to go that path it was beneficial for me due to my health issues. I have read What Would Jesus Eat and it was a good read I’ll revisit that one again.  I’ll check into your other suggestions.


    Nourishing Traditions is one I used years ago. I had them pick a recipe to make and read the side information of the other recipe pages.

    I also assigned books that I liked and had them glance through reference books that I liked. I added first aid and CPR to top it off.


    My favorite children’s book about nutrition is by Dr. William Sears, called Eat Healthy, Feel Great. All my bigger children love it; including my 12-year-old. I would read it as a family, since it’s more on the 7 or 8 year old level, and my son might be a bit offended if I assigned it to him alone. It’s excellent though, and has a lot of good info. There is a series about healthy eating/herbalism called Herb Fairies that is superb. I haven’t used it myself since we don’t do fairies, but the series is so good, I’m almost tempted!


    Nourishing Traditions! There’s a great YouTube channel called Mary’s Nest (a fellow CM mom!) where she walks you through steps to making traditional foods. 🙂


    I second many of the aforementioned.  I would add Fat Head Kids: Stuff I Wish I knew When I was Your Age by Tom Naughton.  I think it’s very teen-friendly.


    Nourishing Traditions! Or Vintage Remedies for Tweens by Jessie Hawkins.


    Last year my 6th grader went through the Trim Healthy You Caterpillar book.  It was superb!

    I can’t make the link work, but on the Trim Healthy Mama website, click on “More” then “Homeschool Curriculum.”

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