number of books for planning – and narration question.

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  • kerby

    I’m trying to plan for ds in HS. 

    In trying to lay it out, how do I know’figure how many books he should read each year?  He’s a slow reader and narration will be new. 

    Also, while viewing the videos for the CMO, I noticed that narrations weren’t done w/ every.single.thing.  Is thhat correct??  How do I know how many he should be doing? 



    I’m new to this too. I’ve made a list of books for each subject. For my son, I’m thinking I’ll try 6 history, 3 literature, and 1 science book per term. If its too much, I’ll pull back, if its not enough I’ll add. This is in addition to the “spines” for the subjects.


    I also on plan to narrate 3 times a week.


    My children narrate almost everything in some way. Narration is the act of knowing and is an exceptionally powerful tool. If narration is new, I would get oral narration down well first. Occ. we will skip a narration of a school book, but that’s the exception. Otherwise the only thing we don’t narrate are family read aloud books (non scheduled lit.) and free reading my kids choose. However, in reality these get talked about, too.

    I believe that narrating every reading IS important. I remember reading that Charlotte said something along the lines of a reading not narrated, is a reading wasted. I will look for the exact quote.

    The books and things seminar would be helpful to figuring out numbers of books, etc.

    Alicia Hart

    I would highly reccommend the Books and Things DVD by Simply Charlotte Mason!  This is a great resorce.  It helped when making decisions like this.


    Here are a couple of excellent past threads that address this question (look for Sonya’s posts):

    This one takes Sonya’s replies and makes breaks them down further (look for Missceegee’s post):



    AWESOME!!  This is exactly what I was looking for! 




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