November 2018 Charlotte Mason Retreat in NW Iowa

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat November 2018 Charlotte Mason Retreat in NW Iowa


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  • jehfly

    This year marks the fourth year of the Weekend of Living Ideas Retreat in Northwest Iowa in the Okoboji area. Nancy Kelly joins us again as the Plenary Speaker, and Heidi Buschbach will be adding a Pre-Retreat Music Immersion Session. The gathering of home educators striving to implement Charlotte Mason ideas in their home has been a blessing each year. Workshop sessions include Nature Study, Spanish Immersion, Handicraft Immersion, a Dad’s Round Table Discussion and Swedish Drill to name a few. We will work on our narration and story telling skills, browse through living books, and commune and share ideas. Nancy will take us through Shakespeare, takes us through teaching our children morals with Volume 4, Ourselves, and show us how to bring peace to our home. You can learn more about this event here:


    Just thought I would bump this up. There is still room to join us! The lodge rooms are filled, but the bunk rooms are open, and the cabins have been made available for registration!

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