notification form wording

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  • kfrolo

    I’m going to start using the CM method for several subjects this year but was wondering how to word things in the homeschool Notification Form for Ohio. Do you just put which books you plan to use and leave it to that? I’m used to giving the curriculum name and short description of what is covered. Please help! I dont want to get in trouble.


    Rachel White

    What are the requirements in OHIO?



    Karen, I PM’d you this morning with some Ohio-specific information on how I handle this. Also, here is a link to further discussion of notification in Ohio from an earlier SCM thread:




    I don’t know the Ohio requirements, but I have heard that HSLDA recommends putting the minimum required by law.  Where I am, I do a pretty minimalist form (but I do put a few things in the “Other” subjects…

    So for instance – for History I put something like: Ancient Egypt using historical books and historical fiction.

    I try never to mention specific books in case I discover the book isn’t working for us… I don’t want a hasle to change things.

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