This last comment has really spoken to my heart, and I’ll get to that in a moment.
As for Notgrass, we’re using a couple of those here. My oldest is using the Gov’t text and 2nd is using the World w/ MFW’s AHL. I had contemplated the American but went w/ something else. Not sure if that was any better. Neither are strong/fast readers and my oldest has LD’s in the language area. He/both would prefer not to read much of anything. So it’s all going to be “dry and boring.” They are totally “get it done” type dc. As for ATB, 2nd ds did that for 8th and my dd is chomping at the bit to do it. (She’s been reading it when she can for fun.) For that son, the reading level of the literature was a bit low, but I was working on building up duration of reading for him, and exposing him to decent books. He had been at ps for the previous yr and admitted that he learned nothing. So, we lost a yr. I think it did help him. He’s also matured a lot over the last yr or so and is now choosing some harder books. (I wish I could afford to get a LOT of books to have for him. Our libraries are not an option, unfortunately.) I’ve been fine w/ the outcome so far. I’ve also had to come to accept that nothing is perfect and I need to work w/ who and where we are. (I wish I could be more like bookworm but my dc are just not avid readers.)
bookworm’s suggestion of the Stobaugh books. I have the American set. (Would love to sell it, by the way.) I like the idea of it, but w/out a solid background of knowledge, it was hard to do. Personally, I think it would have worked better alongside a text or other source to help round it out. I liked it overall and like the challenging thoughts that it brought to the table, but we needed more general information to base the fleshing out that this would give.
lilypadjumper, I can relate. We’ve had the put them in school and take them out situation, too. I’ve also been drawn to CM-type learning but couldn’t quite take hold of it. I absolutely love MFW and how it’s set up, but doing it as a family just doesn’t happen here. So, I’ve decided to adapt it for more independent use. It’s taken several yrs to get to this point and I’m finally just doing it that way. It’ll work and they’ll learn. I’m rethinking HS for my son, though.
We’re also new to the narration, dictation, and such. Because we could never get the family aspect to work here, there hadn’t been much of that going on. Also, I’ve always struggled w/ how to start implementing it, especially w/ the older ones. Plus, writing is not our strength.
If he did well w/ ECC, then he’ll do well w/ it again. The levels do get more involved as they move along so those American history ones should be fine for him. It’s also very easy to add in some extra books that will challenge him along the way. I think it has a nice balance to it. I think it would be enough. I’m just starting to really look at SCM much more closely so I can’t comment on that. I’m hoping it will help me.
Have you looked at Math U See? This might be a good fit for math. Mastery but can move on once he gets the concept. It has a video teacher but they are short segments.
“And, as Sonya wisely says, teach the child, not the curriculum. I have found that to be so true. It doesn’t matter so much what books or resources I use with my children. The relationship I have with my children makes all the difference.”
This is just resonating w/ me. I feel pulled into 2 basic directions. I keep going back and forth between them at different times for various reasons. It’s just so hard sometimes to know what to do. I guess I just really need to go w/ my gut. It’s never failed me before, and neither has God who gave me these instincts. (I’m going to post more in a new thread. I don’t want to take away from this one.)