Notgrass or SCM history (mod 5 & 6) for HS World History??

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Notgrass or SCM history (mod 5 & 6) for HS World History??

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    I already asked this in another thread but I think I have it narrowed down (would take some other suggestions if you have any!).

    I’ve seen a bit of Notgrass and have used several SCM modules but this coming year my oldest will do a World History program on his own.  The time period is late 18th century to present day.  If I chose the SCM guides, would Story of the Nations be enough with all of the added books fpr world history?? At the same time, my ds is not a strong/fast reader and there are a lot of books when you add the two modules together, even just for world history, so I’m kind of concerned about that, too.

    I’m not great at asking for narrations besides the basic one and do not know if there are any specific ideas in the modules to assist me/him.  I know there are narration “helps” but I think I need more specifics when it comes to certain events/people.  Maybe I’m over-thinking this?

    Any suggestions??  Anyone using Modules 5 or 6 for high school??

    Thanks in advance.



    Ok.  After speaking to my ds, he said that he would prefer a textbook with living books added throughout.  Because he is not a strong reader, I thought I would have his literature selections be from this time period (bios, etc.).  I’m not trying to go easy on him but just being realistic. 

    Sound good?  Opinions?  I am really needing the help right now to work this out for him.  thank you.


    It sounds like Notgrass would be a good fit based on your discussion with him.  Textbook with living books added should keep his interest and suit him well.  Encourage him to be strong and courageous during his studies.  He will do fine.


    Thank you.

    I really wanted this to be all living books but that is a pipe dream right now.  Not his fault but just how it is right now.  I need to be ok with that.  He will still do narrations (which are so important to me) and we’ll discuss as we go along. 

    Now I just need to narrow down a few lit books.  Maybe I’ll get the text and let him choose the event/bios himself??  Just thinking outloud here.  I really need the feedback right now and this has been so helpful.

    thanks again.


    I love Notgrass History. We have done America the Beautiful, Uncle Sam & You and Exploring World History. My oldest son in High School is doing Exploring World History this year. This is not an easy curriculum, but he is learning a lot. It does take at least two hours to complete every day because it incorporates Bible, Literature, Composition and History. We will be using Notgrass Exploring America next year as well. The literature that accompanies the high school curriculum is not always easy to read. He often finds the selections very challenging. 



    Thank you.

    This will be our first year with my ds on his own as my younger dc use SCM. I’m looking forward to him being independent, yet challenged.

    I had forgotten about the literature selections so that will help me with the planning.

    Thanks again.


    I have to say we “tested” Notgrass and my sons hated it.  Boring, dry, pretty dumbed down–they’d been reading books with much more living detail in earlier grades.  One of my sons called it “drive-by history”, just skimming the surface.  We won’t use them again.  I ended up designing my own high school courses, since we just weren’t happy with what we found and they had already read so many of the books that were included in most other curricula we saw.  And I won’t use the William Bennett book.  OK, correction, if I had the time and energy to pit the Bennett book against two or three other perspectives I’d possibly use it, but if I used it exclusively my sons and I would be sorely tempted to want to burn him in effigy.  LOL


    Someday, Bookworm, you’re going to need to put all your self-designed courses on a blog or website that we can all reference.  Because you KNOW you’re always going to be asked for ‘what you did’.  Like for example, what did you use for the above?  I really want to know!


    Um, I’m not sure it’d be widely appreciated.  Since the boys were already pretty familiar with the general outlines of history, we decided to do a radically libertarian course.  🙂  There is also a ton of political philosophy involved.  I think it’s fun for them to have this perspective before I pack them off and send them to college.  LOL  I’d love to be a fly on the wall of their first history classes in college–I think it might turn out to be very interesting.  🙂


    Thanks, Bookworm.  I appreciate your opinions.  But, when I look at curricula, I see a ton of books my dc have never read so I see it as a great opportunity for them.  Our family is not very political (that’s an understatement), my dh is not a reader and I know I didn’t read any classics, or otherwise, in high school, so a lot of this is new to us.  I feel we are a bit ahead with our dc with what they have read already, compared to us, but we are sorely behind when it comes to other families, especially CM families who are avid readers.  I would have no idea how to put together my booklist (other than taking from other booklists, LOL) and I really need a guide/text to help out this coming year for a variety of reasons. 

    If you had to use a text, what would you use?? I’m mostly asking about the “dry-ness” or “non-drive by” not because it agrees your political views.  I’m 100% sure my ds has not read an ounce of what your dc have read so to him it would all be brand new. I understand that you may not choose anything and would rather pull your own hair out, but we are simple folk who just want to do a World History course for high school, LOL.

    PS: I’m not trying to put down my own family, I’m simply stating a fact. Our parents were not readers, not pushing their dc to go to college, not very supportive when it came to any of our interests, etc.  We are “behind” our ownselves when it comes to books and such so, for us, CM has been a Godsend (and this forum) to expose our dc to things that we were not expose to at a much earlier age.

    Thanks so much for everyone’s suggestions. They are much appreciated.



    If I had to suggest one, I think of all the ones I’ve read, I like best the courses done by Jim Stobaugh.


    For the reasons that you stated here:

    After speaking to my ds, he said that he would prefer a textbook with living books added throughout.  Because he is not a strong reader, I thought I would have his literature selections be from this time period (bios, etc.). 

    we are simple folk who just want to do a World History course for high school, LOL.

    I think that I would choose the Notgrass for your son. 😉 It is already laid out and your son could easily go at his pace without stress, making the readings easier and more enjoyable for him (and you!). 

    ETA – I was typing while Bookworm posted, so I’m off to check out this one too!


    Thanks so much for the great feedback and encouragement.

    Honestly, I do not know what I would do without this forum.

    Will check it out, bookworm. Thank you.


    At the risk of being a dissenting voice I must ask:  Is there a way for you to preview the Notgrass before you buy it?  We tried Exploring World History and found it to be extremely dry.  She could only endure three chapters of it before boxing it up. 


    I could probably ask around through my home school friends/group for a copy. I’m sure someone has one on their shelf.Wink  I have awhile before we need it, but I like to try to look for the extra books this time of year and through the summer, so I like to get a jump on it. If not, then we’re scambling and I hate that feeling. 

    Thanks everyone!

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