Notebooks for Math and Science

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  • deltagal

    I’m interested in implementing the idea of my dc using math and science notebooks.  Do any of you do this?  And if so, what do you include?


    My children (all except the youngest) keep a binder for math. They put the date and lesson number on their paper and, once completed, add it to their binder. I will be adding a copying of the TOC of their math books in front. They will record the date and grade on these copies. Then, the TOC will act as a record of work done, grades, and could even show attendance for those in states which require such evidence.

    For science, I’ve had various formats. But, I’ve condensed them into one binder for this coming school year. Again, we will use copies of the TOC for books being read (this could be a textbook for some families, others use living books) with date of completion noted by chapter/assignment labels. We also use a simple “lab sheet” for experiments that we do together. These will be kept behind another divider. Any science related sketches can also be filed I’m this binder. For some reason, we usually keep a separate nature notebook. But, that could be kept with science if desired.




    Ok, that’s not what I meant about the youngest for math. I just meant that she doesn’t write her work out on paper. :). She actually dies keep her pages in a binder to be like her older siblings. They are perforated pages from her Rod and Staff workbook. Ding! It’s still the same thing. 🙂



    I have a friend with 5th graders who do their math lesson and then write the new concept in their math notebooks with examples. Then they can occasionally go back through and review from the notebooks. It also helps complete the learn-teach back-write cycle that they use in some of their subjects.


    We keep math notebooks. When I teach them a new concept they take notes and record an example. They can then use it as a resource to look back to when stumped or confused.

    Even our two kindies last year wanted “math notebooks” and honestly I will treasure them. Just PRECIOUS seeing the graphs they made, definitions of words like “equal” and “same” recorded.

    Next year, they will continue using their math notebooks (older boys; new ones for 1st graders b/c they filled up their 70-page spirals), and will also use 5-A-Day math books I made (each day three oldest have math drills I give them based on the Math on the Level teaching method). This year though I made books rather than having looseleaf papers everywhere (I need organization badly with 6 children).


    On Science, they have their Nature Journals (new ones this year as old ones are full), but I think a Science notebook for vocabulary and concepts would be nice too. May have to think on that!


    We have Math on the Level also and love it!  Interested to hear more about what ldimom does when you make 5-a-day math books… I have been using a spiral notebook and just coming up with the 5 problems the night or morning before and giving to them.

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