Notebooking with a poor speller

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  • Heather

    I know we are not supposed to allow our children to look at a mis-spelled word so I have a question.  My 4th grade dd will be doing some notebooking for the first time, but her spelling is pretty poor.  How do you handle this?


    We correct them as we go or I will have mine fix them after they have their train of thought on the paper.  Depends on the length and page, subject, etc.  =)


    Could you have her narrate to you orally while you write it on scrap paper, then use that for copywork?  That would allow her to see and write the words correctly the first time.  Again, depends on the length, page & subject, etc.


    I have this same problem.  My 4th grade son is a very poor speller.  We are going to notebook next school year with Apologia anatomy and I’m concerned a little about it.  Maybe I’ll have him do what 4myboys suggested…


    I like these ideas!  I never though of having her narrate as I write and then her using it as copywork.



    If writing and spelling are a struggle, be careful not to create too much copywork everyday in all kinds of subjects.  It overwhelms my dd if I do it too much.  =)


    Exactly — not too much copy work.  My Son has dysgraphia, so writing of any kind is a real strugglr, not just spelling.  If that is the case for your child, you may only choose a sentence or two from what you’ve written down for your child to copy. 

    I would further suggest writing the exact words your child says to you then let her read through and edit her thoughts — make sure she has said exactly what she wants to say –before copying or pasting the finished piece into her notebook.



    Another possible idea is to have them ask you how to spell words they don’t know as they are writing.  This gets very tiring, but solves the problem of seeing a misspelled word all the time.


    You’re right,  I definitely want her to do the writing for PLL, and dictation, but as far as notebooking for Worldview and Science maybe I should write what she tells me and let her draw any pictures.  I wasn’t thinking about all of that.

    @sheraz: She thinks she knows how to spell every word in the world, so that wouldn’t work well for her!Wink  Maybe our first character lesson for the year should be in humility! lol


    Heather, I know all about that kid that knows everything already!  One of mine tries to tell me what I am saying WHILE I am saying it!   arghhh!  That would not be the same child I work with on spelling like this!  =)  I am always amazed at the different personalities my children have.  The Lord definitely knows what “habits” I need to work onWink

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