Notebook with history modules?

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  • bringirl


    I am considering using one of the SCM history modules this year with my son.  We’ve never used them before and I’m wondering if we will be making a history notebook with the modules.  We have used SCM’s 106 Days of Creation and the handbook had us make a creation notebook which has been fun.

    I wasn’t sure if the history handbooks suggest history notebooks in them, too.  I know we could do this on our own, but I was curious as to whether or not they are suggested and give tips included in the handbook.



    Not that I’ve seen in modules 3, 4, & 5. But you could certainly make one. It does tell you to have dc narrate either orally or written. These could be made into a notebook. It does have them work on maps. You can download a sample of each of the modules to see how it is set up.


    Also, if you have a Book of Centuries or a timeline that is “notebook” style, you could put the events/characters in it.



    We do! I printed out homeshool in the wood timeline pictures for my 7yo to cut out and color. Sometimes I will write down her narrations too. I have them glue their map outlines ea week in there. They even copy scriptues too!

    We just have one journal per child for the year. We use it for their hist/geo/sci/bible/ art/ etc., etc. Pretty much everything that can go in there does. They are turning out beautiful!!


    My older does his written narrations in there, but he does use the timelinebook seperately. 😉


    Thank you, ladies!


    We just print notebooking pages and have the girls do drawn or written narrations, keep their map dirlls and any other tidbits that we do pertaining to the module in the notebook, but like Sue in MN said, it is not a required thing.

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