NOT WORKING: inserting a link or using cut and paste in post

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  • joannarammell

    3 years ago you could cut and paste and easily insert links or text into a post.

    It won’t let me now.  The link button is grayed out and the cut and paste isn’t working.

    Any ideas?


    Doug Smith

    What web browser software and version are you using? If you go to it will tell you.


    Windows 7, internet explorer 11.0


    I can’t paste either.  Windows 8.1, Explorer 11.0.

    Doug Smith

    There is a known issue with IE 11 not being able to copy and paste in a forum setting. It’s apparently incompatible with several of the editors that many forums use.

    I saw this article with some troubleshooting tips, but I have tried this myself.

    We are planning to upgrade our forum software soon, which I hope will also help.


    I noticed the same thing over the past several months.  I’m also on IE 11.


    Hopefully that will fix it Doug, because it doesn’t work from my iPad either.


    I just want to mention something—I work at a library where we have a bunch of public use computers.  We have several browsers installed.  We often have people come up to us for help with not being able to see something, load something, print something, cut and paste with something . . . we always ask what browser they are using.  The people that know what we just said, ALWaYS tell us Explorer.  When we go over to the one that the clueless people are using–they are always using Explorer.  Always.  We have seriously thought about putting up a sign saying “Don’t come to us for computer help if you are using IE!!!!”  but we figure that’s rude.  LOL  We tried uninstalling it but for some reason people threw hissies.  *Sigh.*  There are lots of browsers available with fewer issues in the things people typically use.  Just a thought.

    Anyway.  I am using Chrome, and all the icons at the top are working perfectly.  



    Saying this part to set the proper tone: I am sure you meant no offense.  And I haven’t taken any.  But here is a thought from the other side-

    For the non techie of us…IE is what we are used to–i.e. always used and what came with the computer normally.

    Sometimes using something I have never even heard of like Chrome…and having to a)go find it b)decide if my computer can handle it c)download it and hopefully install it (sometimes trouble finding it after download!) d)figure out any bugs, lose bookmarks/favorites possibly, or try to export them  e) figure out how to use it and then f) get used to it…

    well, all that can be overwhelming.  And time-comsuming, for those of us that are new at that.  And setting aside a weekend to tinker with a brower that works elsewhere (this is the only site I have had difficulty on so far…I cut and paste ALL the time).   It takes some of us a while to adapt… I know I have struggled at times at the pace of technology.  I now constantly use an ipad as an awesome homeschooling tool (which I thought was a glorified gameboy when we were first gifted with one and was sure it would ruin my marriage and household–I’m now the primary user :-)) and a cell phone, though it is the old kind where you have to push the 2 three times to get a c when you text. We don’t even have a landline anymore. I am due to get a new phone here soon and am trying to gear myself up for an iphone–now that I have bifocals and maybe can see the thing, b/c I have one friend that has finally managed to get me to text!

    There are so many areas that the Lord is constantly “upgrading” in me…that sometimes all my circuits are busy!  And it takes me a while to keep up with the new technology!  And I used to be an SAP computer consultant, so am not a complete novice like quite a few folks.

    Grace for us slowpokes please!  🙂




    Not sure what grace has to do with a gentle suggestion that some tools work better than others.  I hardly ordered anyone to change.  It seems to me about on a par with suggesting a curriculum change for someone for whom something isn’t working.  Had no idea this was potentially offensive.  I’m 47 and I don’t have time left anymore to mess with things that don’t work well when there are better (free!) options.  A teen from your church could take care of this for you in about 3.5 minutes.  But if you don’t want to change, no problem, but it JUST MIGHT BE that possibly one person out there might find the suggestion of a better tool helpful.  Sorry if the suggestion was offensive and ungraceful ???  I’ll keep that in mind and quit suggesting ideas in the future.


    I am terribly sorry that I offended you in any way, Bookworm. I tried to set the tone of the post so that you could hear my gentleness, mildness, and even self-deprecation in the post. I obviously failed. Sometimes texting and posting leaves something to be desired. I doubt you would have been offended had you heard my voice. You did not offend me. I meant that. I heard your frustration with your clientele at the library and others slower on the uptake than you and thought a different perspective might serve.

    You know no one here wants you to stop suggesting ideas. I remember you from 3 years ago as a blessing to this community. I am positive you still are.

    Please forgive me.



    Doug Smith

    I’m a bit puzzled by the iPad. We copy and paste to the forum with an iPad all the time. Are you seeing any error messages? If you can describe the steps you are taking and what happens along the way I might be able to help.

    Regarding IE, many sites are having issues with IE and the cut and paste bug. I was surprised how vast the problem was when I Googled it to see what might be happening.

    I’m sure it’s true that you haven’t noticed problems on other sites, but most people aren’t aware that some web features are just quietly missing. Web developers have so many problems with IE that they will often test for it and just leave some things out that everyone else sees. It’s a lot easier than making fixes for just the one browser that  isn’t fully compatible with the internet standards.

    If you want to try Chrome you can download it for free from It’s faster. It’s more secure. It will import your bookmarks. It will automatically keep itself updated for security and the latest web standards. I highly recommend it.


    Ok, Doug (and Bookworm), I branched out and tried the link you posted Doug!  I appreciate the encouragement.  It will import my bookmarks helped push me over!  It was so simple to do.  And now I can cut and paste!  Yeah.  The insert/edit link and unlink button are still grayed out…but maybe I don’t understand what they are for.


    I was able to post some pics in another post…just learned to use something called dropbox…

    don’t say this old dog can’t learn a new trick or two!



    Jordan Smith

    The insert/edit link and unlink button are still grayed out…but maybe I don’t understand what they are for.

    Those buttons are for linking text, so they are grayed out until you select the text in the post box that you want to link. 


    Thanks Jordan!

    I am still working on the ipad Doug.  I will get back to you.  I have a 2nd gen ipad with iOs 7. something…

    It has Safari on it.  I downloaded Chrome…but it wasn’t near as nice of a transition as the desktop.

    None of my favorites or bookmarks imported etc.

    But I will work on it and get back to you about the cut and paste thing.

    Thanks a bunch guys.

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