I haven’t been on the boards much. I’ve been trying to just have fun with the kids and not think too much about school. However, I am wanting to settle on next year’s plans so I can fully enjoy the rest of summer without it weighing on my. I have a 5 year old and a 9 year old. I’d like to continue to do most things that I can with them together. I also have a 2 year old. I’m not sure how to plan out the years with 3 kids at such different ages. Anyway, this past year I used Beautiful Feet Early American History with my boys. We thoroughly enjoyed it! We left off with Abe Lincoln. Since we loved it so much, I am really wanting to continue on beginning with this time period. I’m just not sure how it will all play out in the long run if that makes any sense? I was considering Module 5. If I did that, would I then start back with the ancients when my sons are in 5th and 1st? My 9 year old would then have 8 more years for history and I’m not sure how that would work.
I don’t know if I’m making any sense at all. I’m just not sure how to make it all work out in the end. Any other suggestions for history are welcomed too.
One more question, with CM there is a lot of reading aloud which I love. I’m just concerned how it will be when I have 3 kids all needing different things. That will be a lot of reading for me. Just very unsure right now. Thanks for any help.
Module 6 would pick up where you left off for history. Module 5 may repeat what you just did for US history, but world history would be included and perhaps the read alouds would be different and interesting for your dc. About the read alouds, when your middle child is a year or two older, your oldest would be more of an independent reader and your youngest would be just at the age to tag along. Then when your youngest is participating fully in the modules, your middle child will be more of an independent reader. In which case, with the SCM modules you would just need to read the family spine and the read alouds assigned for years 1-3, after that assign the years 4 and up reading list for independent reading. Also, using audiobooks or doing some of the reading before bedtime would be a suggestion.
I know some families combine Module 1, 2 and 3 into 1 or 2 years to “shrink” the rotation.
We did module 5 last year, it was my oldests 1st grade year and it went well. We are planning on continuing with Module 6, but I do plan to combine 1, 2 and 3. We are going to do Bible seperate and focus on the history schedule and readings. That being said… I am TRYING to not get caught up in where they will be for high school. Notice I said trying 🙂 I keep reminding myself that there is a good chance I will always be changing things here and there so I am working on not worrying about where the cycle will fit come highschool.
I wouldn’t be concerned at all about too much reading aloud time. As stated, as your kids age they will take on more independent reading. The family reading will be the same for you no matter how many kids. I’m even considering turning over some/all family reading to my kids to read on their own next year (5th and 8th). They seem to learn better if reading on their own and I want to encourage independence. Then we’ll just gather for discussions. HTH some:) Gina
I need to agree with sarah2106 on not worrying where the cycle will fit. I used to make spreadsheets and try to figure it all out through high school = craziness to the nth degree!! I couldn’t get it to work on paper and I certainly couldn’t get it to work in real life. Do the next thing, enjoy the journey.
I also have stopped worrying about where each child will end in ‘the cycle’. Just enjoy each year with whatever topics you happen to be studying. Any time period studied in the 7th-12th grade could count for credit.
Thank you. It’s nice to think I can just do what’s next without stressing too much about High School yet. I appreciate the replies. Oh, and the books listed for each age, are they necessary or can I pick and choose? My son is not a big reader and I don’t want to overwhelm him.
You can pick and choose whichever books you want. I think sometimes it’s helpful to look around at many different curriculums to see which books are being used across several curriculums. When a book crops up in several different places, you know it’s a must-read.
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