Not sure how to do this?? quick Q

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  • swelb21

    Not sure the best way to get through various reading books.  The reading books listed for module 1 say to do a chapter a day to get through the books.  But when reading Charlotte Mason’s Home Education–she talks about only reading a couple pages at the most then asking for a narration.  So is this to be done spread out throughout the day then? For example: at 9 am read 2 pages, get a narration.  Then at 11 do the same thing, etc. until the chapter is through? 

    And she also says reading aloud should be a rare bedtime indulgence for those whose children can read well (my 6 year old is an excellent reader).  Seems like most things in the curriculum guide are meant to be read aloud before asking for a narration. 


    Thank you!!


    Personally I read a few pages, ask for a narration, then continue in the same sitting.  It will depend on what you are reading and how long the chapters are, your child’s attention span, etc.

    And I must confess that whether or not Charlotte would have approved, my husband and I read very regularly to our children — especially at bedtime, even though both are excellent readers.  It’s special time for all of us.


    swelb21, If I understand the Literature Modules correctly, the books listed are to be read for enjoyment, not narration.  Of course, you could still discuss them gently, such as commenting on the character’s choice, or “what would you do?” sort of questions.

    Hope that helps!


    If you are refering to Mod 1 Lit books I would tend to agree with Jennifer that these would be primarily for enjoyment.  I would maybe ask a few eflective questions at the end of the chapter:  what was your favourite part?  Who is your favorite character and why?  Do you think the character made a wise choice?  Why or why not?   I wouldn’t ask for a complete retelling at intervals.  I tend to save that kind of detailed narration for non-fiction like science and history “tell me everything you know about…”  I do ask for a quick summary of what happened in the book during yesterday’s chapter before starting today’s.    


    Okay, that helps.  So for the lit that can be for enjoyment generally 🙂  and then for nature study, science, history etc. read a couple pages, ask for a narration, and if necessary read on at intervals until the end of the lesson section.  Thanks! 



    For history I might read a section then ask for narration, then read more and ask for more narration. The amount you read may vary depending on the age of your child. I don’t spread the subject out over the day. If it is taking too long we might drop it then come back later, or pick it up the next day.

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